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  1. Heinous Anus

    Hey, I'm new here

    What's up guys. I'm Heinous Anus. If you haven't seen Super High Me, watch it, then you'll get my username. I came here from Grasscity, it got boring there. :lol: So anyways, I'm just checking it out here at Rollitup, seein' what y'all are all about. Be easy.
  2. Heinous Anus

    150 HPS Cabinet Single Plant

    Nice setup. I'm stoked to see what will come of this grow in the next few weeks. Something you wanna keep in mind for future growing is those bins you buy sometimes have chemicals on them to treat the plastic. You wanna wash those off before you put soil in them. :)
  3. Heinous Anus

    Da Real Hip Hop Thread Brother Ali is kill.
  4. Heinous Anus

    Best Non-Mainstream Rappers.

    The fuck? Aesop Rock is anything but mainstream. No one knows who Aesop Rock is.
  5. Heinous Anus

    What Are You Listening To?

    Death Grips - Exmilitary
  6. Heinous Anus

    Favorite Guitarists Of All Time

    I don't really have a favorite, but.. Synyster Gates from Avenged Sevenfold is pretty insane.
  7. Heinous Anus

    9 to 11 week flower, when to harvest?

    The only definitive way to know they're ready to chop is the trichome color. Massah got it right; you want mostly cloudy trichomes with some amber color in there. The more amber trichomes, the more body oriented the stone will be.
  8. Heinous Anus

    Hello! *herbal pics here*

    Who cares about the name? It's good smoke, smoke it up! In fact, give it your own name. :mrgreen: Edit: If your ash is black after you smoke it, most people say that's because of improper cure or flush.