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  1. Trichome God

    What Is "DRO"? has done me good I have grown 6 of his strains and had great results.
  2. Trichome God

    Last try

    What are you useing for light
  3. Trichome God

    Last try

    Dam that last post was funny as shit!! Blackthumb PlantKiller NICE!!!!! Dude It sould only take 2-3 days for your seed to germinate. As soon as they do plant them about an inch deep and then water with no furt (plant food). Give it a couple days before you water again. Let the soil pretty much...
  4. Trichome God

    Need Expert Advise

    Thanks for the advice everone. Mogie I think I will give that a try :peace:
  5. Trichome God

    Need Expert Advise

    Thanks for the advice Chronic but I don't do hydro due to the fact I am all over the place and do not have anyone to tend to a hydro set up. I could teach someone but then someone would have to know. Not cool!!!! Useing soil I only need to be around every couple days.
  6. Trichome God

    Need Expert Advise

    OK I have been growing for about six years. Some indoor and some outdoor, all in soil. When outdoor, I lived in upstate N.Y. (lot of nothing) but great soil. Now indoor I have been useing miracle grow poting soil, it has worked great (see gallery), but there must be a better mix. If anyone has...
  7. Trichome God

    Please Help

    I finally found the problem. They were root bound. I should have know. Thanks for all the advice.
  8. Trichome God


    Most books will tell you to use a feed higher in N than P and K for veg. growth. I have found that a lot of our friendly neighborhood growers use 20-20-20 for veg. and 10-30-20 for flowering. Its all trial and error bro
  9. Trichome God


    You should never go to full strength unless the feed is made just for cannibis ( hard to find ) you should only use about quarter strength of what the directions say. After about a month you can feed every time you water. Co2 good question no idea?
  10. Trichome God

    Please read need little advise

    I did transplant today and it went good except I had to pick some dirt out of the buds. I did not think about watering at room temp to reduce shock thanks. In the future, if I plan on letting then get that big I will start with a larger pot. thanks for the info. really do apreate the advise...
  11. Trichome God

    Please read need little advise

    Ok I have two 25 inch indica plants that are in there 4 th week of flowering. There looking good but all the leaves are turning really light green yellow color. I though and was told it could be lack of nitrogen. This however is not the case. They are root bound and I was wondering if I could do...
  12. Trichome God

    Fertilizer Question

    I have been growing for about 6 years on and off and have been using maracle grow:confused: 30-10-10 for veg. and 15-30-15 for flowering.Sounds crazy but it has actually work quite well. I have browsed around a bit, but there are so many to choose from. I would like to find something within the...
  13. Trichome God

    My Little Angle #1

    I was trying to get a pic up and have been having some problems. Just wanted to see if this worked. Not bad... ...Not bad:hump:
  14. Trichome God

    Trying to get some pics up

    I have some bad ass pictures of my plants I would like to post but can not. The site keeps telling me my pics are either invalid or to large. Some help would be great thanks
  15. Trichome God

    can I take cuttings from flowering plants

    I have found that a cloning gel w/thiamine B1 works best for cloning in rockwool because a gel is not water solutable and acts like a seal for the cut area. Works much better than powder which does not seal or last as long
  16. Trichome God

    Welcome New Members!

    Just what to say high!! And I think this site is the shit. I have already had some good questions answered and have answered some good questions. Happy smoking Im going back to tokkkkiiiiiiinnnnnnnggggg
  17. Trichome God

    Help needed!! fast!!!!

    water right now with quater stength feed
  18. Trichome God

    How long do you normally veg?

    Also dont confuse clayx with a branch growing off a branch. If you are not sure than give it a few days and you will know. Now anouther thing to.... if you are growing an sativa speices it may take 6-8 weeks or longer before you see calyx development, be pateint it is worth it. If you are...
  19. Trichome God

    How long do you normally veg?

    Because you are not using clones you need to wait untill your plants show signs of clayx development which will happen when the plant is mature enough change the photoperiod and flower. After four or five weeks of veg. growth look for tiny organs at the base of a branches stem and the main stem...
  20. Trichome God

    Please Help

    thanks I am working on that