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  1. S

    Mold on my plant!! Help!

    Talked to the "master" at my local grow shop, says bho extraction will work to isolate the trichs from the mold, however dry ice will not...
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    Mold on my plant!! Help!

    Does anyone know what that specific type of mold is called? Like it's scientific name? I have this same thing on my buds but it didn't show up until 6 days into drying... I've also read about turning it to wax or hash as a way of killing off the mold, any opinions on that?
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    Removing Fan Leaves During Flower? Are you serious?

    So, I'm a newb grower. I've been interested in this discussion since long before I started growing. One point that seems to stick with me is the training and trimming done at orchards to increase yield. Why wouldn't that work here? Cannabis seems to want to grow no matter what physically happens...
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    Erroneous reporting on MI Supreme Court ruling that didn't happen?

    That's weird, the article is dated May 31, 2012. But all the comments to the article are dated Sept 2011. All I know for sure is I was at an operating dispensary in flint just 2 days ago......
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    The argueing needs to stop

    You gave the warning and even in this thread it is still going on and on and on. Let the banning begin. These guys do not have enough beneficial information to compensate for the childish behavior displayed day after day. They are a virus to the RIU community.
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    So..I was in court today

    So this thread you started was just to start shit.
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    The Judge Asks, Where is the OutRage? I was going to quote a few key points in this article, but found it easier to just link the whole thing. Bob, if you really believe that the government has the "people's" best interest in mind, you are seriously...
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    I got options, what you all think?

    I have 5 plants in flower right now. One is harvestable in a week, the next 4 weeks, 5 weeks and the last 2 harvestable in 7 weeks. So what you're telling me is I can't calculate gr/watt untill after the 7 weeks? Doesn't seem like I would get a very accurate number..... That's all I'm asking
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    I got options, what you all think?

    I couldn't believe there were 17 posts on this subject before anyone mentioned *per sq ft! I'm jelous of both you guys (tric and bob) killer lumens! I'm only at 3,521 lumens/sqft and 24.8 watts/sqft (right now). That's with one 600 hps complimented by T5's and T8's. Still waiting for my first...
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    2012 Max Yield Indoor Gardening Expo in Novi June 2-3

    I was a freebie whore :D I did talk to many vendors, but only had 2 hours to take in the whole show. I was a little disappointed that some started packing up their booths long before the 5pm end time, but that's when they just start giving you everything so they don't have to pack it.
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    Leaf growth where pistols should be???????????????HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yeah, it's normal. Some strains are just more bushy then others. My White Widow's are extremely bushy, especially after topping or fimming them, great for scrog, or just tying down if you have the sq ft available....
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    can i grow outdoors?

    anchored to the ground, and enclosed on all sides except the ground, sounds to me like concrete filled holes for the posts, and something on the roof.....
  13. S

    Mold on soil? search is down please help

    For sure! Thanks for calming my worried/newb mind. 1 Week after transplanting into this medium and the girls are looking great! Definetly exceeding my expectations of growth..... I WAS worried cause this is the second bail of B'Cuzz I've used and the first one never did this......
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    Advice from a Michigan MMJ Patient?

    From what I've read and understand(about the new bills), my take on it is this. The state could care less about MMJ Patients or it's laws. They want the crooked cash that lines their pockets not the states. They don't care that less patients will be on the program, cause alcohol sales will go...
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    Looking for a caregiver in Shepherd\mt. pleasant area

    What are the laws regarding MMJ in Mt. Pleasant? That is the County in which they banned dispensaries isn't it? Just wondering if they took the ban further then dispensaries. The OP... this is his first and only post. You may be getting set up. On another note, the OP, if not a set up, probably...
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    Michigan Reps Itself - Mi's Official Medical Marijuana Gallery.

    Guys, can't we all just get a bong? I would like to see some more michigan product please! :leaf:
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    Advice from a Michigan MMJ Patient?

    I believe your question was answered. Get a MI residency, take your old cali paperwork to a doctor, talk to him about your ailments, submit paperwork/payment to state, wait 3 weeks, if no negative reply you are good to roll. Hurry tho, wait too long and it may not be that easy.
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    Mold on soil? search is down please help

    I bought a bail of Atami B-Cuzz medium it is 70% canadian peat moss 30% perilite I used a couple gallons of it in 1 gal pots and some in my clone tray. I put the rest in a rubbermaid container. (I packed it as it is full to the lid in this container) One week later as I prepare to do some...
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    Is this safe to use during flower?

    #$%^&*(&^%$ That is not what I wanted to hear! but thanks for the reply
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    Is this safe to use during flower?

    Hi, I've got a thrip infestation in my perpetual grow. Of all the guides and threads that I've read nothing is mentioned about when you can and can't treat your plants. My oldest infested plant is 3 weeks into flower. Is it safe to use insecticidal soap on her? product details: ~Ortho...