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    The stem has been chopped off 3-4 days ago
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    Ahhhh guys I'm not going to lie I'm stressed out. I can't see anymore sacs on the plant it was just that one stem from the cola. I'm considering to grow it out...or is it suicide? Throw or grow?
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    Im a good 5 weeks into flower and I noticed a node growing out of a main topped cola. I initially thought that this was going to put on mass and form into more bud but over the last few days I've noticed male features. Has anybody have this happen to them before? I've cut the stem being as...
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    Staggered harvest tips needed

    I'm nearly ready to harvest my girls but I have a lot of undergrowth that is premature and not ready. Once iv completed my flush I was going to chop what is ready and then continue with the feed I was running prior to flushing. Has anybody had experience doing this before? How much shock will...
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    Staggered harvest advice needed

    I'm nearly ready to harvest my girls but I have a lot of undergrowth that is premature and not ready. Once iv completed my flush I was going to chop what is ready and then continue with the feed I was running prior to flushing. Has anybody had experience doing this before? How much shock will...
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    Have i topped wrong

    I pinched it rather than cutting. Thanks for the feedback guys much appreciated :-)
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    Have i topped wrong

    Im new to topping as I have only lst'd and scrogged before but I thought I would use a new method this time around. I am worried that iv taken off too much? Is this ok or was there supposed to be two shoots left? Thanks in advance for any help.
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    My seedlings are dying help me!!

    Thanks for reply, will give them a small nute mix on there next feed :-)
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    My seedlings are dying help me!!

    These lemon seedlings are struggling and I don't know why. They are roughly 2-2 1/2 weeks old and have been fed tap water ph'd to 5.8-6.1 under a blue cfl on 24 hours. The tips are going brown, with albrown spots aswell, and some have twisted. Can anybody identify what is wrong? The medium is...
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    Thanks for the replys people. I'm going to put the humidity dome lid back on and let them grow out a little more with the cfl's before I bully them with the big lights :-)
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    Iv just set up some clones under a 400w mh and they seemed to be doing ok, then I checked them a few hours later and a few of them had started to twist and the leaves are curling upwards. They where roughly 2ft away from the bulb but im now vegging them under a blue cfl to see if this helps...
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    Swapping clones from coir to rockwool/pebbles urgent help needed!!

    The only reason why I wanted to go into rockwool is because I didn't want the coir to block my drip system as over time I can imagine the medium gradually breaking down through the pebbles and finding it's way into the water reseviour. I might be panic thinking here as they are small pots. If it...
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    Swapping clones from coir to rockwool/pebbles urgent help needed!!

    Im starting my 3rd grow and have usually gone straight from seed (female) into rockwool cubes then transplanted them into pots of hydro pebbles in a wilma drip system. But this time I have got female clones in mini coir pots. Can I take the clones out from the pots and put them in rockwool then...
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    Need urgent help transplanting clones and swapping growing medium

    Im starting my 3rd grow and have usually gone straight from seed (female) into rockwool cubes then transplanted them into pots of hydro pebbles in a wilma drip system. But this time I have got female clones in mini coir pots. Can I take the clones out from the pots and put them in rockwool then...
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    Pro's and con's info Needed on Autoflower

    @del6666 the one next to the coke bottle is taking the piss mate. Lol. Got to be something to do with the dual spec alongside the hps. Monsters. @mrboots I'm 100% going to try a few auto's alongside some I'm vegging atm just to see what the difference in yeild/quality is. I'm not that limited...
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    Pro's and con's info Needed on Autoflower

    @sixteenounces you suggest veg with auto then?
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    Pro's and con's info Needed on Autoflower

    12/12 from seed sounds like a plan. Do you hit them with hps from day 1 then or run a cfl for a week? I use 600 watts hps's but surly that's too intense for seedlings? @ mrboots, iv always veg'd for 8 weeks solely because I have seperate veg/flower areas and I run them simultaneously. But 3 week...
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    Pro's and con's info Needed on Autoflower

    How would they take more electricity on a 12/12 ratio for 8 weeks less?? Electricty isn't a massive problem anyway I was more interested in quality and yeild in comparison with normal veg/flower method. Have you had a bad experience with autoflower then?
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    Pro's and con's info Needed on Autoflower

    I was thinking about switching from my normal veg/flower routine and trying these autoflower strains out. Obvious plus sides in my eyes is the half time it takes to harvest a crop but what are the downsides?? I wanted a cheese or lemon strain in the autoflowering range and was leaning towards...
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    2-3 Weeks into veg, unknown problem that needs urgent attention!!

    Currently I have canna terra aqua for veg nutes. Il feed them once a day with this for a few days and hopefully they should perk up.....fingers crossed. Thanks for the help people :-)