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  1. Frawsti

    Anyone had any experience growing mushrooms with mad bags? I'm interested in trying these out, but i don't know much about mushrooms. I know they arent easy to find around where i live, though. I'd like to grow them, but haven't found any easy, safe ways to do so. This way...
  2. Frawsti

    Can someone help me find a new downstem and figure out what size this is?

    As far as i can understand there are 4 sizes of glass on glass right? 14mm/18mm/14.4mm/18.8mm? Here's some pics of my broken downstem: The piece that physically inserts into the bong is either 18 or 18.8, but the bowl that gos into the downstem is smaller like 14 or 14.4. I dont have...
  3. Frawsti

    If you just take one bong rip, around how long would that stay in your system?

    It's just a piss test for probation.
  4. Frawsti

    If you just take one bong rip, around how long would that stay in your system?

    I always hear that it takes 30 days to get pot completely out of your system, but for someone with low body fat content and just one small bong rip, i'd still fail a drug test by the 20th? Also the only thing i drink is water, no soda, no juices or anything just water. It's been that way for a...
  5. Frawsti

    My friends opening up about being an alien? wtf?

    Good read, i feel as if i can relate on a lower level seeing as my buddy legitimately thinks he is a shaman, and has dedicated his life to giving out free DMT and mushrooms in order to help people learn and open their minds. Being around him can be kind of awkward and annoying sometimes though...
  6. Frawsti

    $450 bong broke, looking for advice and pricing to fix it?

    I could die, i was really hoping to come back here to good news. :[ I bought this less than a month ago, i really didnt want to trash it. :/ Thanks for the help everyone, it's much appreciated.
  7. Frawsti

    $450 bong broke, looking for advice and pricing to fix it?

    Yeah, i do. And thanks jake
  8. Frawsti

    $450 bong broke, looking for advice and pricing to fix it?

    A glass bumped the bottom of my bong and it broke, im not willing to give up on it though :c So i was wondering if this is fixable? And if it is, about how much would i be looking at price-wise? The bottom of the bong has really thin glass, the rest of it is super thick though. Would it be...
  9. Frawsti

    Lowryder #2 56 Days. Pc Box - Hydro

    I grew lowryder#2 a month or two ago, just now getting to smoke it. Its excellent(:
  10. Frawsti

    Frawsti's PC grow box - AK47xLowrider

    No problem man ^.^ And as for my plants, I think they stopped growing. I'd take pics but they look identical to what they did 5 days ago, it's weird. It seriously seems like they completely stopped, i know i watch them hard but i double checked my pics from a week ago and they dont look any...
  11. Frawsti

    Frawsti's PC grow box - AK47xLowrider

    Well like i said, you dont really want water filters. The air filters are really easy to find, though. Anywhere that sells air purifiers, or a hardware store..general purpose stores all have them. Here we have home depot, lowes, walmart, ect. Unfortunately i know nothing about the uk xD..I doubt...
  12. Frawsti

    How long to go on these autos?

    oh, thats good to know. I thought that autos were all basically the same except with different strain potency's. Thanks guys!
  13. Frawsti

    anyone know otc stimulants that resemble adderal?

    ritalin and concerta, although the above poster is right. Adderal is meth based. I was horribly addicted to it for about a year, lost 65 pounds before i realised it was time to stop. Eventually it will put you into complete mental breakdowns if abused. I had so many great times, but a lot more...
  14. Frawsti

    How long to go on these autos?

    I have a microscope to look at trics, i know they arent done yet. They arent even cloudy. I just don't know how long autos take, in another persons topic on the stealth forum, his finished in 56 days..Mine's so close to that but it doesnt appear to be anywhere near harvest. My topic was meant...
  15. Frawsti

    How long to go on these autos?

    ....bump.. :c
  16. Frawsti

    How long to go on these autos?

    I have these two plants, one's a Lowryder easy riderxak-47 and the other is called Critical+ Auto by dinafem seeds. Here's day 42 pictures: I was wondering how long auto's usually take? This is only my second grow, the first weren't autos. I tried getting the clearest pics possible, the...
  17. Frawsti

    Frawsti's PC grow box - AK47xLowrider

    I might just be high but the filters I get are air filters, the holes are way smaller and less porous than that. I think water filters and air filters are different. Also my filters are like $4.50 for a five pack o.o
  18. Frawsti

    Frawsti's PC grow box - AK47xLowrider

    Im not trying to give you shit or anything lol but i have that same carbon sheet, at the most it catches dust and slows down air flow. If you double stack those carbon filter sheets you might have better results, they sell them at walmart and lowes..but that would slow down air flow even more...
  19. Frawsti

    Frawsti's PC grow box - AK47xLowrider

    I think that you would have a really rough time fitting that in the case while having room for a sufficient amount of lights and then the plant. It's not impossible, but in my case i have a two inch gap of space and thats about it. As the plants get taller, i lower the base they are sitting on...
  20. Frawsti

    Frawsti's PC grow box - AK47xLowrider

    Thats a hard question to answer lol. With cheap carbon filters on the outsides of the fans, and a air purifier in my room there is almost no smell. But i think that has something to do with the dryness of the plant, i water mine once every 10 days. When i water them, the stank comes out for a...