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  1. J

    Anyone heard of The Big by BC Bud Depot? you may know it as Free Leonard

    I have 12 "THE BIG" seeds regular if anyone wants to trade let me know ill be trading 6 and keeping 6.
  2. J

    NEED HELP w/ Dutch Master Gold Feed Schedule. Seed through bud using Zone + Silica

    So basically im growing Train Wreck, Pineapple Chunk, Northern Lights Blue, Pure Kush. I need to know a good feed schedule that wont burn my girls thanks in advance.
  3. J

    Yellow circles on leaves first time grow idk whats wrong with it please help

    Thanks! Will do... Their already looking better
  4. J

    Yellow circles on leaves first time grow idk whats wrong with it please help

    Thanks Einsteinus I flushed last night because I changed the water in all my buckets... reset the ppms, ph, and zone... Thanks so much for the help idk what id do without you guys! Im just a newb in a new world hahaha
  5. J

    Yellow circles on leaves first time grow idk whats wrong with it please help

    Thanks Neved I really appreciate all the help guys I feel at home on this site... Ill lowered the ppms going to see what my girls do.... Thanks in advance guys ill let you know the progress and take some pictures later on today lights went on at 10am after being dark for 6 hours.
  6. J

    Yellow circles on leaves first time grow idk whats wrong with it please help

    Here are pictures week 3 1000 ppm Dutch Master Gold being used, Silica, A+B, Zone and calmax. Please help thanks:leaf:
  7. J

    Please help!

    ok pictures are up sorry first grow first post asking for help thanks!!!! That plant is in week 3 from seed. 1000 ppm
  8. J

    Please help!

    Not very urgent or anything but im wondering what the marks on this leaf mean first time grow using Dutch Master Gold A+B, Calmax, Silica and Zone. Links to pictures plants are started at 500 PPM week 1 750 PPM week 2 so essentially a 250 ppm increase every week. Oh started from seed its Qwazy...
  9. J

    My First Hydroponic

    You should be fine even if you use a 1000w just make sure the room temperature stays around 75 degrees Farenheit. Also make sure youre humidity is around 55-60 percent so your plants cant breath. Some people use domes to keep the humidity high while in seedling stage.... The main thing you need...
  10. J

    My First Hydroponic

    Veg for 6 weeks from seed and flower for 8 weeks. If you veg for 2 weeks from seed your yields going to be really shitty.