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  1. Yahweh

    Short Stuff: Snowryder

    lookn good mane
  2. Yahweh

    First Grow. Cfl in PC Case - Red Dwarf and Pakistan Ryder

    looking good man i wanna know how much u get off that red dwarf...ive been wanting to grow that
  3. Yahweh

    Crazytrain's Pc Case Perpetual Autos

    damn u might be getting tired but i love checkin ur shit
  4. Yahweh

    CFL Dresser Grow (stealth) - Auto Assassin, Auto Blue Himalaya

    no updates?? hate to bring this back up but id like to see what happend
  5. Yahweh

    First LED Grow (126W Penetrator LED) (Growing Short Riders)

    Checking this out for sure.. Thinking of getting 120w led lighting system from htg supply. So I wanna see how this turns out. Goodluck.
  6. Yahweh

    550W Led vs. 20x Green-o-Matic Autos

    looking good. Cant wait to see those girls finished
  7. Yahweh

    3 weeks old..need some help!

    3 weeks and they don't have their own pots yet? U gotta do that like yesterday, and like airwave said, do a quater or half strength on those nutes as well. But those girls will do better once they get their own pot. They are fighting for what little nutrients ur soil has right now. Good luck dood.
  8. Yahweh

    my plant is turning a yellowish light green?

    needs nitrogen
  9. Yahweh

    Time for Nutes? or wait till end of month 1 (pics)

    how tall is she? looks stretched
  10. Yahweh

    Stolen Plant!!!!

    eye for an eye as i see it. You need to get you and a few friends to go over to his house and get YOUR FUCKING SHIT back bring a gun but dont use it, you gotta make him know he cant steal from you and get away with it thats just me though
  11. Yahweh

    chance of helicopters spotting me ???

    couldnt have said it better :joint:
  12. Yahweh

    Cannabolics philosophy on bud and the bible

    Dont feel like reading all these pages and hope someone didnt already say this if so sorry but ,Cannabis means 2 dog plant in Greek/roman some shit like that. There is a African Tribe called the Dodgon and they have a HUGE celebration every 50 years, They celebrate because it takes 50 years for...
  13. Yahweh

    Christianity has been debunked once and for all

    1. Everything about jesus WAS hearsay NOT one historian of that time even says anything about jesus, why is this? someone who turns water to wine..and NOTHING? 2. Jews don't believe that jesus is (godson) 3. Another thing is The Christian Bible has been changed soo many times how can you...
  14. Yahweh


    You dont see those colas?
  15. Yahweh

    cali orange G0ds3nds first grow

    where did u get that envirolight?
  16. Yahweh

    My 35 day old mid-grade plants- any suggestion

    No matter how many people come in here and tell you its gonna fail your still gonna try so PEOPLE why are you wasting your breath? Dood do whatever you want but like everyone else has said if it is a female expect a very poor harvest, but whatever floats your boat
  17. Yahweh

    Plant is 33 days old with only 1st circular leaves n first fan leaves are retarded

    whoa shes looking like wilt chamberlin , you need to get your lights closer and get CFL's and dont water them COLD water, room temp water is fine
  18. Yahweh

    Florida Green

    replant it and bury the soil up/near the round leaves
  19. Yahweh

    Is outdoors safe?

    i think you will be good
  20. Yahweh

    6 Days flowering - no results??

    its a Sativa Dominant strain