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  1. J

    Looking for a caregiver

    I can't PM you either Sunlight. If you are still looking for a caregiver let me know.
  2. J

    holy grail kush

    How about finicky in veg? Is she sensitive to nutrients or need a lot? Mine seem to be turning light green on top and burning the top leaves. She is in the same room/light area as my other strains and they are fine. Any ideas?
  3. J

    R/O Water and organics

    Yeah, my well water is drinkable. I know my alkaline is a bit high, but I've always drank it with no problem.
  4. J

    R/O Water and organics

    Hey everyone, I have a question. I recently switched from hydro to organic medium with all dry supplements. Is it necessary for me to continue using reverse osmosis water, or can I just use my well water? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!