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  1. Master Bong Blaster

    Female Seeds C99?

    I'd like to add that I finally caved in and decided to try C99 from Female Seeds. She's about 2.5 weeks in flower and just starting get her crown of white hairs. She started off slow but showed sex at about 5 weeks in veg. Two weeks younger than Mr.Nices' Black Widow, she's since caught up...
  2. Master Bong Blaster

    Need help!

    I agree that the young seedling with the yellowing cotyledons is having a problem with water. Very small plants need very little water and nutrients. Even large bushy plants only get watered every 3-5 days depending on drainage. Your seedling seems smaller than what it should be. The roots...
  3. Master Bong Blaster

    problem with leaves (Nitrogen deficiency?)

    I agree not Nitrogen. N deficiencies will be an even yellowing starting from the lowest fan leaves first and working its way up. I also agree on checking pH and get that in order before adding stuff and making things worse. The good stuff might be there, just not available to the plant due to...
  4. Master Bong Blaster

    Hermaphrodite??? One banana first week of flowering? No more. Safe???

    The only herm I had kept producing seed pods which spread from bottom to top of plant. Unless you found the pollen sacks late in flower, I'd be hesitant to risk your sensi. Now if for only a short time, maybe, but I'd be looking over every bud site every day and pulling those off. Maybe...
  5. Master Bong Blaster

    Can i get Accurate info for this Plant Deficiency ??? PLEASE!!!!!!

    Wow, a weed plant that actually looks like a weed. lol. Not too bad, a little stretchy looking. I agree the light needs to come down. My 400hps can be around 10-12 inches away but every room is different. If your tap water is ok where you are, I would consider every once in while feeding it...
  6. Master Bong Blaster

    fan leaves "clawing"... WHY???

    I have one out of three doing this, so I'm kinda dumbfounded. I know I've had some pH issues and I suspected over Nitrification, but after 3 flushes, it still exists. I've tried many lines of thinking and can only come to two possibilites. Even though drainage didn't seem to be an issue, I...
  7. Master Bong Blaster

    Nirvana Northern Light (Smoke/Grow Report)

    Yeah B3rny, I am kicking myself for not being able to comfortable get pollen from my Querkle grow, that would have been awesome to mix querkle with NL. Querkle was one slow mamma. I currently have 3 out of 4 NL ladies in flower near completion of week 4. I've struggled this grow, chasing...
  8. Master Bong Blaster

    Is my plant dying?

    A wild guess here, but maybe cutting into the main stalk killed the plants turgor pressure and its ability to draw water up through the roots. Hense the top down death. Maybe like trying to drink pop through a straw with a big hole in it.
  9. Master Bong Blaster

    Miracle Grow nutes

    This may be a little late. You want to limit how much ammonia based nitrogen you use. Urea based nitrogen is great, but has to first be broken down by the bios in your soil. Take into consideration for the next planned feeding if there is a high concentration of urea as well as alot of...
  10. Master Bong Blaster

    Leaves getting rust spots and then curling up and dying

    Well, I said it in the title but I've been wracking my brain trying to diag mine and I see your pic that looks like mine, but guess what...still no answers, unless you figured it out. If you youre still on here, please advise and did you get an ok harvest out of it?
  11. Master Bong Blaster

    Please Help! Potassium deficiency or nute burn??? PICS

    I agree with you on this diag. I found this thread while researching potassium and other deficiencies. The pic with his hand in it screams Mag def to me, there is also the other pic with very green leaf veins and chlorosis between them which leans towards Potassium def or lock-out. I would...
  12. Master Bong Blaster

    Pistils turning brown?

    I'm researching this now as my best plant is in day 6 of flower and its lower-mid level center bud site has its two hairs turning brown. I have been chasing a deficiency issue and went from possible N def to possible N overfert. Temps and circulation are good. I had one male but that has been...
  13. Master Bong Blaster

    Extreme sensitivity to smells, anyone else?

    I'm not as sensitive as you, but I do notice that If I'm around strong chemicals, I get a headache. If the cause is removed, the headache goes away. Mainly things like, drying latex paint, or the worst is nail polish remover. I believe its an acetone, but that crap will mess me up. I suppose...
  14. Master Bong Blaster

    Nirvana Northern Light (Smoke/Grow Report)

    I'm not going to name everyone, but all great entrys offered up here. The "retarded" 3 finger sativa was interesting and funny to hear about. Got a laugh out of me. I also have some Nirvana NL babies growing indoors. Mine are curling/folding and after intense research, I've concluded that...
  15. Master Bong Blaster

    Have you ever seen Northern Lights like this?

    Wow, look at the sheer size and thin leaves on that babe! Well, it might help you figure it out after you smoke it. Gotta love the Mystery Dope! Then, if you feel like it, follow up those strains you mentioned online and see if the high matches how you feel. Seed Finder is good for that...
  16. Master Bong Blaster

    Foxtailing NL 8 Weeks +

    Foxtailing is usually in the genetics, and most believe that it is not environmental. I've seen at least one person believe that it is caused by too much N late in flower. If you are just a week or so from harvest, personally, I wouldn't feed her. Let her eat off her existing leaves and use...
  17. Master Bong Blaster

    Vegging Indicia's

    I'm with Trousers and Rings, count on at least doubling in size. I use MH the first week or two of flower to keep stretch to a minimum. Sativas are known to stretch 2-3 times their size. Also if your plant is leaning toward sativa phenos(longer internodes/skinnier leaf etc., you can expect to...
  18. Master Bong Blaster

    Northern Lights strain

    Mmmm, Northern Skunk sounds yummy. I also have some Nirvana NL's going. It's still way to early to gauge the leaves on my seedlings, but so far I've got some big ol gorgeous looking Indica leaves. I've heard from Jorge Cervantes and the hillibilly farmer (Seed Mine and Positronics), say that...
  19. Master Bong Blaster

    Strange leaf curl, and tips yellow on other plants

    I was researching leaf curl and folding and ran across this post. For anyone else coming across this at a later date, I think Painkillerman stated it pretty eloquently. My reaction was Heat stress and or Phosphorous deficiency. A good thing to consider is the location of the problem, this can...
  20. Master Bong Blaster

    Easy Way to get Ph down

    Hi Inudan, I was reading that RO(reverse osmosis) filters also do this well. I'm not sure if all filters are RO, but the same concept seems to be the same. You figure a cheap one will run less than $100 US dollars and lasts about 2 years. Think of the cost savings over ph down. I'm in a...