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  1. L

    Is SMOKING mold GONNA killa me??

    i got same problem, i left my buds on a jar for a week while i was on vacation and when i came back home theres like tons of molds and the whole bud is covered with web like thing and lots of brown spots on it and it smells like a rotten fruit :S i dont have the heart to throw it.. i mean i grew...
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    Afghan Kush Ryder

    i have ordered afghan kush also :D goodluck there man
  3. L

    Starting AutoFlower with 400w HPS From Seed 20/4

    Hello so im on my 1st week now and here are my observations: Again i am using 400w HPS, 2x 10' exhaust fan, 3x solo 6' fan. 1. With 400w HPS i notice that the pot / soil is being dry every 8 hours so i have to water them everytime the soil is dry but i do not over water them i just spray mist...
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    Starting AutoFlower with 400w HPS From Seed 20/4

    another question... my seeds are feminized autoflowers now question is do i need to plant a male and make them sex stuff like that so i get the flowers with thc? damn im so noob on this :S if thats the case then im in trouble since i dont have any male seeds here and if i order it will take a...
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    Starting AutoFlower with 400w HPS From Seed 20/4

    i just did the transplant, it was all smooth but i hope the transplant wont make her weak... lol im still worried on this 400w HPS its really strong light and hot i hope it wont burn my baby seedlings :S
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    Starting AutoFlower with 400w HPS From Seed 20/4

    great! thank you very much sir! i will update this thread with my progress :D Happy New Year!
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    Starting AutoFlower with 400w HPS From Seed 20/4

    Hello, Thanks for reply, i thought its okay to put it on top since i have covered the box with reflector insulator but i can move it on side i think.. now about my question sir is it safe to use 400w HPS on my baby plants? that seed just started to sprout 2 days ago now it is very small plant...
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    Starting AutoFlower with 400w HPS From Seed 20/4

    Hello, I am totally new at growing and i have chosen to grow Auto Flowers. I am currently growing Bubba Big Buds, AK-47 and Auto White Widow now my question is.. is it safe to start with 400w HPS? the plants are really still babies and im afraid the strong beam and heat of 400w HPS can burn my...