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  1. S

    plants wilting without humidity dome

    rooted plants, but as i stated i cant get any growth from them unless there in the humidity dome. can i place a bowl of water in the room to increase humidity? i want to do it without having to buy a humidifier. the seedling will even wilt after sprouting without the dome.
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    plants wilting without humidity dome

    i just have a 12 inch florescent about 4-5 inches from them enough room to fit the dome on and 2 cfls i think 60 and 150 or 100 I know its a biggun. I have a oscillating fan blowing well above the plants so they don't get directly hit. I never tested the ph i havent purchased a tester yet. no...
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    plants wilting without humidity dome

    I have 2 plants about 2 weeks old and whenever i take the humidity dome off for more than maybe 6-8 hours (if i leave it off at night) i will wake up to find they are all wilted up and dyieng I already lost 4 plants because of this but if i dont take the dome off they cant get co2 Right? temp 71...
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    planted 2 days ago do i water?

    I planted my germed seeds 2 days ago (almost 3 now) they haven't sprouted but the soil is extremely dry and hard so i will water them and then it will just dry back up in a little while. I don't know if i should have but i got them in little starter trays. I heared people say not to water them...
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    Need help

    I don't mean to be rude but on the forum it says: Newbie Central The best place to learn how to grow marijuana. I don't think this is the place to discuss the distribution of marijuana.
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    where to plant them?

    they were about 5 foot and a couple inches tall. they have choppers out every other day here im in the heart of the states pot lands. are there any particular trees to avoid planting around like sappy trees or something that could affect the growth of the plant or just kill it, its har to...
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    where to plant them?

    can someone give some advice about where I should place my plants to keep the helicopters from getting them because I just lost mine and and they had it on the news they got mine and some other peoples around the same area. I had them planted in a huge thorn bush on a bit of a slope they were...
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    Why do my plant look like this

    try higher wattage cfl's with different spectrum's. you can make light reflectors for them out of pop cans too, its in the grow faq.
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    Can Anyone Tell Me What Kind Of Plant This Is? (Pics)

    i had one of those kinds of plants give to me they called it a rubber leaf tree or something it died cause i didn't know how to keep it going when i got it the leaves were oily then they kinda dried out so i over watered it.
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    How Much Do CFLs Effect The Electric Bill?

    an avg of $3.64 for 2 going 24hrs a day for 30 days 7 would be $12.75 on avg it might be higher or lower depending on where you are from but those are avg American prices
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    Posting pictures questions/security

    I don't think you should worry well unless your gonna post pics of like 15,000 plants from a big Mexican farm. theres no FBI guys out there gonna track you down and bust your door in over a couple plants in your closet.
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    Help me grow in 808 state

    put chicken wire around your plants to keep the pigs out and for the question about budding let nature do the work growing outdoors inst on your schedule let nature take your plants. as for the plant distance I'm not sure I always space them way out from each other cause of helicopters and to...
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    When to start in Kentucky

    I always watch the weather on tv when i get 3 weeks of good weather I set them out usually I learned to never go by a date or schedule everytime you get hit with the last frost and have to start over. the weather is pretty shitty in kentucky right now hope it straightens up before too long im...
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    I think my plants are stunted

    ok thanks you have been a great help ill check around oh and I was wondering what these could be I was thinking indica sativa mix maybe any thoughts? that one is real dark and small so it makes me think indica but the other is bright green and big so i think sativa but the oldest one is a mix...
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    I think my plants are stunted

    naah its some cheap ass miracle grow it came with all that the only other soil they had was just the plain black soil with perlite do you think that would work better cause i tried planting number one in it it looks pretty good and healthy thats what it is in although it was used its like a...
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    I think my plants are stunted

    maybe one of those little fans with the high/med/low settings duct taped to a dryer hose and pushed / taped under the door or something
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    I think my plants are stunted

    temp is 70 in dark 79-82 when lights are on humidity stays around 40% goes down 1 or two when lights are on goes up when there off. never tested the ph I haven't got a fan yet i cant find one in the stores all they have up are heaters so i open up my closet door and run my ceiling fan lights...
  18. S

    I think my plants are stunted

    I have had #1 and #2 growing for about 2 weeks #3 is close to 4 weeks old #1 #2 #3 I am using a closet to grow in with 1 18" 115 watt full spectrum fluro 1 100 watt fluro and a 150 watt fluro, they are all bagseed from some pretty good stuff not sure what they are. the first one is...