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  1. Z

    cloning/topping ? - input on a theory please.

    The standard, old-timer method of topping doesn't remove enough material to try and clone it (typically). UB's (2/4 main cola) method is certainly able to root the cutting, I've done it myself. Otherwise, you're pretty much describing the standard 'perpetual harvest' method. One thing I'd...
  2. Z

    New crazy strain!?

    I'm not saying your wrong M4A1, I agree the plant looks off. But I've never seen a plant with a deficiency have "vibrant green identical in color to the new growth from some of the "healthy" plants". Or said about one "im under the belife its just how the plants growing as it looks healthy"...
  3. Z

    wtf is this shit what am i doing wrong!!!!

    Babies look great man! I've used a cutting accelerator on clones before, but that's completely different than real nutes (and I had no noticeable results vs my controls). Those bloom nutes are designed to be taken up by roots, not directly into the plants tissue like that. Definitely try it...
  4. Z

    new sprouts please help!

    It sounds like you may have planted too shallow, or the medium is too hard/compact, if they aren't standing up on their own. What kind of lighting do you have? It's common for the seed casing to still be attached when they sprout, but it should be growing up towards the light. Pics would...
  5. Z

    Quick question about yellowing leaves and trimming

    IMO, unless it's shriveling or turning brown on the plant, leave it. The plant will drop it when it's not needed anymore. By removing it before then, you're robbing the plant of stored energy/nutrients that it could otherwise recover back out of it.
  6. Z

    wtf is this shit what am i doing wrong!!!!

    Ahh, cool cowboylogic, thanks. I'd heard of 'em but never seen one. I wonder if it's the rootcubes (which are pre-fertilized, yuk.) or horticubes. Either way, neither say anything about using bloom nutes or scoring the stem. In my experience with clones, the most important part is to have a...
  7. Z

    wtf is this shit what am i doing wrong!!!!

    IMO, it's the nutes. Try it with just water. Never heard of using nutes like that before. Do that after it's already rooted. I'd also like to know what medium that is too. Almost looks like that stuff the florist uses for fake flower arrangements, or sand. Certainly doesn't look like any...
  8. Z

    I need urgent help

    Not sure about the metabolism of being seeded. The fact that you cut it is pretty much going to stop all growth/maturation, it may continue slightly for a day while drying. So the seeds won't mature, and the THC will be at the same stage as when harvested. The nutes are going to dry in the...
  9. Z

    I need urgent help

    Hey kush bush, I'd suggest making your own thread. You'll get more traffic to a 0 reply thread, and it can sometimes be considered bad form to ask your own questions in someone else's thread (though nucleo might not mind, and I surely don't). Just a helpful suggestion, and welcome to RIU :)
  10. Z

    Pre-flowering with 24/0

    Yeah, I hear ya man. I eventually broke down and ordered seeds just so I knew what I was dealing with. Bagseed (even from dank bags) is just too unpredictable for me personally. I'll grow 1 every once in a while just to see what I get, and it's kinda exciting that way. But I didn't like...
  11. Z

    New crazy strain!?

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure we're just seeing evolution at work. If it was a problem or deficiency, I'd expect to see it in more than just 1 plant, since they all share the same environmental variables (light, nutes, water, pests, etc.). It's through genetic mutations like this that evolution...
  12. Z

    Plant drinking alot

    Yeah, long ago I lost a DWC grow because the plants seemed to double or even maybe triple their water uptake in like 1 weeks time. I was real busy at the time and the res ran dry before I realized it. Also a different environment will have different needs, sounds like it was recently moved...
  13. Z

    Pre-flowering with 24/0

    Sorry man. Plants with the same genetics can have different phenotypes, or 'growth characteristics'. Many strains have multiple phenotypes, so you can end up with tall stretchy plants and small bushy plants all from the same seeds. Phenotypes also have an effect on the final result. With...
  14. Z

    New crazy strain!?

    Yeah, I didn't mean these plants have webbed leaves (which is also sometimes referred to as 'duckfoot'). Just that it may be a similar type of genetic anomaly. Or in other words, a mutant plant. I think it's pretty cool. Grow it out and keep us updated! edit: imo it looks really healthy...
  15. Z

    Pre-flowering with 24/0

    More likely than not, you're just seeing multiple pheno's; especially since it's just random seed.
  16. Z

    New crazy strain!?

    It looks like just a genetic anomaly to me. I've seen 'webbed' mj leaves before, and that's what most people said about it, and it was just 1 plant out of many, all the same strain. Or seeing evolution in progress, maybe?
  17. Z

    I need urgent help

    Just finish the grow and deal with seeded bud, imo. I've smoked seeded bud that still rocks my socks, so don't worry too much. Now about the seeds, I would just pitch or compost 'em. They're probably going to have hermie tendencies, since they were created by a hermie. It is one way of...
  18. Z

    WTF is it (girl or herm) only experienced growers. New pics!

    I think it's too early as well. I don't see a single pistil or calyx in any of those pics, what light cycle are you on? Everything you pointed out, imo, is just new veg/leaf growth and perfectly normal.
  19. Z

    My first grow. PPP. Is it a good smoke?

    Never grown or smoked, but here's a review. From Good luck, and try googleing 'ppp strain review' there's tons of 'em.
  20. Z

    gh nutreint's flora or nova

    I use the nova series, and like the results. Less mixing than the flora. Already has fulvic/humic acid and a PH buffer. Runs hot for my current strain, so I use at 10-50% dosage, and it lasts forever. Also works for hydro/dirt/coco, so you can experiment a bit if you want. Many people just...