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    2 week old seedlings, recently transplanted, dying please help

    Sorry that was a 5.8 the dumb emoticons made it a sunglass-smiley.
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    2 week old seedlings, recently transplanted, dying please help

    Hey guys I currently don't have a camera or even a camera phone so I can't provide pictures which I know will make this difficult. I have 3 plants, started as seeds in rockwool two weeks ago. I transplanted them two days ago after their roots started poking out of the bottom of the rockwool...
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    First time Ever Grow Hydro

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    Safety First

    Most commonly a two-socket plug would be rated for about 15 amps, most of your equipment should say on it somewhere how many amps it draws. Not sure what the surge protector would do to affect it but as long as everything you have plugged in doesn't exceed 15 amps you should be fine...
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    New Grower, question about the pots

    Hey guys, got my room set up with a flood and drain system, was just wondering what size pots I should use for the hydro set up? I plan on using these Air Pots: and I know for outdoor growing the...
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    Dynagro is under-rated as fuck

    Hey guys I'm about to start my first grow and I've decided to go with DG for my nutes. Was wondering if this chart: is a pretty good starter point for me to base off of, having read Homebrewer's comments as well as other research to know...
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    Looking for a flood table

    I have the same question as well, looking to start my first indoor grow and there isn't a hydro shop in a realistic driving distance from my house. I came across this guy...