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  1. D

    Reserva privada skywalker og kush

    All my phenos were generally the same minor differences here and there.. But nothing big I think ull enjoy for sure! Post when done interested to see feedback.. I also used nectar for the gods nutes which were amazing!!! Jus thrown some organic love out there! Lol
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    Reserva privada skywalker og kush

    Man horriblehurk mine looked identical to yur dark three blades.. I think they skywalker is a very touchy veg Ive had Two runs n this strain seem to really veg slow make sure to go longer on veg if u want a solid yield.. Don't let dark leaves trip u out totally genetic after seeing multiple...
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    Reserva privada skywalker og kush

    Meant *genetic not generic ^^^ lol
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    Reserva privada skywalker og kush

    Well finally about done.. I switched my method from supersoil to jus using all nectar of the gods goods. I recommend this to anyone by the way! Pricy but fully worth the investment.. I am pretty pleased with the result.. Completely soaked very fuely smell.. Decent yield not great but not...
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    G13 lab's Blue og's

    I have ran it twice and it's a ok strain.. Very short and compact all nugs are very thick but don't expect height.. Decent resin output n taste.. Not a keeper in my book but its a matter of preference... Not terrible by any means.. Also real quick flower time
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    TGA Strains Stable?

    Ok so I'm fairly new to grown been through a couple cycles and have down multiple statins of tga "qrazy train.. Jack the Ripper.. 3-d.. Space Jill" all had a different story to tell but mostly all strains had a hard time Germn and ones that did ofcourse u had a couple males.. I will say 3-d and...
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    nectar for the gods :)

    Idk if i can afford the whole lineup which ones would u guys say are most important to grab? I really like hurculean harvest zuice juice and Gaia mania
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    nectar for the gods :)

    Jus hoped on the train today!' I am excited to see results! Have heard great things.. I also picked up their soil mix
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    Nectar for the gods????

    I jus picked up the soil mix today n a couple of the bloom nutes.. From what I hear its an ex-employee of the roots organic lineup.. Rumor is he left n put this lineup together.. Hear great things ready to see..
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    Espoma Soil Acidifier Questions

    Sorry I meant I put a 2 1/2 tsp in gallon of distilled water my ph was roughy between 7 n 7.5 so I'm hoping thin works
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    Espoma Soil Acidifier Questions

    I jus bought some today n was looking for reviews... Pretty cheap I sprinkled some on top for more of a long term solution n I was out 2 1/2 tsp in a gallon of distiller water.. The directions were vague so I figured mixing straight with water will get to roots alot faster
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    Any info on Reserva Privada's Skywalker Kush?

    Any buddy notice the dark leafage in veg? I noticed other Strains seem to have lighter green.. At first it made me nervous... Sw seems to be really touchy on the nutes
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    Reserva privada skywalker og kush

    My girls did the same.. The three blades was really weird.. They also were really branchy in beginning but eventually really thickened out.. I'm still vegn but does n e one else notice the dark nature of the leaves? My phenos look exactly like the pics in 420 magazine but in jus wondering if...
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    Qrazy train grow. super frosty. pic heavy

    i currently have qt,3-d,space jill, and JTR, goin so needless to say im subed. Im most curious in the qt being as im a big fan of the trainqwreck strain...great lookn girls man sub gots it goin on for sure with these strains!
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    Qrazy Train from seed

    awsome job cant wait to see finished jus about 3 nodes deep in my veg with the qt....I am pumped to finish her up though after all the beauitful girlz ive seen...ima sucker for trainwreck so seeing this in tga's strains was a no brainer..subbed for sure as well...cant wait to see final...
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    Qrazy Train from seed

    looks good man i got some qt and jack the ripper started now...also have space jill flowering about 2 1/2 weeks in...LOVE TGA!!!
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    Budswell and Soil secrets

    hey spartan id like a lil sneak peak at those recipes you mentioned. i have recently went with some subcool strains and figured couldnt hurt to give them something that is proven and n there genes. Grow love everyone!!!!:joint:
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    Yellowing of new growth on seedlings 9 days old please help

    I am having the same issue...except my yellow is more along the tips of leaves not so much in the middle...i dnt know if that makes a starter soil has ur basic starter mix no nutes..i have redcently looked into the superwell bat guano and seen it may help? also...