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  1. green.46beast

    cfl flowering

    i only gave it 2 quarts of water in a 2.5 gallon pot. I also waited till it was practicably dry to repot then i watered.
  2. green.46beast

    cfl flowering

    so i just started flowering and now the leaves look a lil droppy. is sumthing wrong or is this normal. i already see the whit hairs growing and the dank smell is there any idea
  3. green.46beast

    CFL Q's

    its 68 watt 300 watt equivalent. ok then
  4. green.46beast

    CFL Q's

    So i am starting to flower and i need to know how many cfl light do i need? I have a couple of 68 watt, 4200 lumens, 2700k, cfl light bulbs right now i have three on my 1 bubba kush plant need to know how many more plz!
  5. green.46beast

    Prune/Pot Transfer Q's

    well what i mean is cutting of the leaves that make almost a canopy i took off some of the bigger fan leaves and gave more light to the middle and lower section of the plant. It was a lil droppy when i saw it this morning but after the pot transfer it went right back to looking healthy also the...
  6. green.46beast

    Pruned and Transfered Q HELP

    here are some pics of my bubba kush
  7. green.46beast

    Pruned and Transfered Q HELP

    so i just finish pruning my plant yesterday and i just transplanted the pot this morning my plant looks a lil droppy and the dank smell in my room is almost gone does anyone have a clue why? i heard the plant goes under stress after pruning or pot changing does anyone have tip sfor me plz?!
  8. green.46beast

    My Flowering BubbA Kush Plz help me!!!

    also wanna know if its natural for the leaves to drop down after pruning and if the smell is less dank after pruning?
  9. green.46beast

    My Flowering BubbA Kush Plz help me!!!

    i just finished pruning my plant and getting it ready for the flowering phase and wanna know how long do i wait because i know that pruning creates a certain amount of stress on the plant and so does transferring the pot i just would like to know how long i wait before i transfer the pot. Also...
  10. green.46beast

    Prune/Pot Transfer Q's

    So i just finished pruning my plant and getting it ready for the flowering phase and wanna know how long do i wait because i know that pruning creates a certain amount of stress on the plant and so does transferring the pot i just would like to know how long i wait before i transfer the pot...
  11. green.46beast

    I need help with pot!!

    i just need to know how to change the pot of my plant
  12. green.46beast

    My Flowering BubbA Kush Plz help me!!!

    Now i have a bubba kush that i have recently take off the 18/6 light cycle and put on the 12/12 and i just need help to find out what i should be doing at this stage in the plant. I also would like to know how much i will yield and since im am using cfl light and how many. The cfl's that are...
  13. green.46beast

    topping plz help quick!!!

    my bubba is 2 feet high and i need to know if topping it will do damge to my harvest plzz need help quick!
  14. green.46beast

    Co2 q?

    another quick q can anyone help me buy a air purifier or recommend me so that my whole house wont smell like dank and burn me out.
  15. green.46beast

    Co2 q?

    I seen on youtube you can make one of those co2 2-liter and i wanna know if i hook that up to a fan and in my grow closet in my room if im going to be ok or if its ok to have in my room
  16. green.46beast

    VEG. phase tips plz!

    this is my bubba kush now by looking at it can yu tell me if its healthy or good enough to flower? its about 2 feet high and the base is about 1 cm less than my thumb
  17. green.46beast

    VEG. phase tips plz!

    So my buba Kush tree is growing i had gotten it when it was about 1 foot 4 inches. its about 1 foot 8 inches and i have had it for about 1 week and im not sure on the age of the plant and need to know when i should start the light cycle 12/12 because i have it on 18/6. its giving off a strong...
  18. green.46beast

    Co2 q?

    i have a small co2 generator and wanna know if its ok to have in my closet while i sleep, might be dumb q but im new at this
  19. green.46beast

    Need advice!!!!

    so this is the bubba clone tht i have and the soil is a brown but i know its not dirt.
  20. green.46beast

    Need advice!!!!

    ill up date a ic in 1 day plz check back GrnMn so you can give me advice