Search results

  1. C

    Busted - Personal grow in Raleigh, NC, USA - Ask me anything (AMA :)

    So what to do with the garbage? Mulch it? Any way to destroy the detectables for the dogs? A friend smokes - doesn't grow - but is afraid to take the cooking debris out of the house. So it accumulates. Which also isn't good. Perhaps we need a good "garbage thread" as I couldn't find one. Seems...
  2. C

    Busted - Personal grow in Raleigh, NC, USA - Ask me anything (AMA :)

    Timely post - I'd been meaning to make a pilgrimage to either of Fifth in Chapel Hill or Raleigh for a while. Didn't quite work out - and partly as I'd heard the stores weren't so great (anecdotal). Maybe use the free public trans it CH (or park elsewhere in Raleigh where you're guaranteed to...
  3. C

    weed prices skyrocket in NC!!!

    $30 an eighth. Non Mexican / non Cartel(s). Won't do business with them. Haven't bought since spring so we'll see soon if that's changed. Same price "OK" summer crop but same price later for the best (some of which I think from CA and some localish).
  4. C

    weed prices skyrocket in NC!!!

    Non cartel eighth in Raleigh is $30. It's's a crossroads and "the wrong stuff" is just too risky / f****d up. 'suppose that's the same as anywhere if yur' not connected.
  5. C

    Anyone Tried the magic flight launch box vaporiser?

    It's great in public places - which for me truly means my garage, my home office, my friend's man-cave, as well as concerts, movies, beer & bourbon fests, etc. Heck, it's also "artsy enough" you could probably wear it on a necklace or use it as a key ring and nobody would be the wiser at an arts...
  6. C

    why use a vape? whats the point?

    Magic Flight Launch Box rocks! The key thing for me is discretion at my place. No secret hits in the garage trying to get the smoke out the window or door. Odorless other than the weed itself so it can be used inside much more conveniently. Very efficient and portable. Most of my friends who...
  7. C

    are ouija boards worth me wasting my time?

    Hilarious. And if cooked over gas does that count for purification by fire?
  8. C

    Wiring a thermocouple to a relay / solenoid value - need help!

    Generic relays don't have setpoints - so amplifying a millivolt signal still won't give you good results. You need a circuit that will determine the relay needs to be ON or OFF and saturate the relay coil for ON. You could also use an RTD or a Thermistor. Each requires different electronics. Use...
  9. C

    Sativa dominant autoflower?

    Well, here's one going; might ask him how they're coming out.
  10. C

    Arduino Controlled Grow and PC Program - Work In Progress

    Nice work - and good hit on the one-wire. I've been planning on using one-wire for temperature and recently found ones for humidity. That and an LCD screen for the local-access - and maybe an ethernet shield for remote as well. SSRs For the relays - if you run them well under capacity you...
  11. C

    too many lumens??...

    Supernova or super plants? On the Lumens line of thought. Please let me know if I should start a new thread. I picked up a 250W dimmable Lumatek for $89 ( pchydro) to start a stealth scrog - about 2x2x3H or at max 30"x36"x36H due to under bench limitation - height is hard constrained. I am also...
  12. C

    Lighting for Sativa Scrog Grow

    clambaker, I'm also interested in a Sativa Scrog that's as short as possible. What did you decide to go with for height? I was going to try a 250W on a 2'x2' and may be hard pressed to go higher than 36". I was somewhat wondering if for scrog one could save bucket / pot height by having a...
  13. C

    My first Indoor & Outdoor grows, Plus Hydruino! WIP

    Almost two years later ... I'd like to see how that panned out. Looked built. Maybe he didn't see enough interest from others? But now there's more doing arduino, such as
  14. C

    1st grow shot! 250w hps closet hempy scrog

    Perfect thread to stumble across and a current one at that. I just started acquiring parts for a very similar grow. It's going under a workbench in the garage - where it'll look like similar equipment. Workbench height 36" (under the 2.5" top), as deep as 36 (but will go 30 for workbench clamp...
  15. C

    lumatek or quantum E-ballast

    Companies don't put extra stuff in - esp things like fans (that are another moving part that fail - most common failure in PCs) - if they don't need it - OR if they're putting it in for backup - in which case they push that redundancy hard in all their ads. Read them both. From the manufacture...