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  1. marcustheasshole

    Too much AN Big Bud?

    No Cal/Mag , although I do have Revive , which should be a similar product. Maybe I should try it out . I’m running COB leds , wasn’t aware of that , thanks for the tips !!
  2. marcustheasshole

    Too much AN Big Bud?

    Entering week 5 of Flowering. 4 out of 5 plants are near perfect. Super Lemon Haze Lennon AN Connoisseur Bloom A/B Big Bud B52 Bud Candy Overdrive (coming up) Assuming this plant is overfed?
  3. marcustheasshole

    Bulk Smash Auto Outdoor Grow Journal !

    Here's a late reply , I am gone for 2 weeks at a time and back from work for 1 week , so the next update to fallow will be in 2 weeks . I'm having a few problems on some of the plants and I'm having a hard time to diagnose, any thoughts ??
  4. marcustheasshole

    Bulk Smash Auto Outdoor Grow Journal !

    DAY 11 - I went away for the weekend and got back yesterday. Plants have had their 1st light feeding of G-M-B and B-52 (0.62ml/L) I wasn't planning on feeding until another week but seeing the leaves were twisting I had to eliminate a few things. I killed the fan blowing indirectly on them...
  5. marcustheasshole

    Bulk Smash Auto Outdoor Grow Journal !

    DAY 3 ! The 5 of them seem to be doing well ! The one that got it's tap root snipped has continued to grow (2nd picture). The 3rd seedling is the Candy, the rest are Bulk Smash Autos.
  6. marcustheasshole

    Bulk Smash Auto Outdoor Grow Journal !

    Today I had to pot all the girls, the tap root was sticking out of the peat pellets. One of them probably will not make it , it stopped germinating, the root was out approx 1/8 of an inch. I removed it from the peat pellet and put it back to a paper towel , this time with Rhizotonic. While...
  7. marcustheasshole

    Bulk Smash Auto Outdoor Grow Journal !

    Thanks for the Heads up vostok, I was planning on removing the net entirely prior to putting them in their final pots. I'll keep an eye out over the next few days for the bottom.
  8. marcustheasshole

    Bulk Smash Auto Outdoor Grow Journal !

    Good Day Folks ! I'm Starting this Grow Journal on "Day 1" of seeds germinating. Strain(s) : Dr.Krippling - Bulk Smash Auto x5 Delicious Seeds - Delicious Candy Fem x1 (free seed, photo) Nutrients: AN -...
  9. marcustheasshole

    Recommendations for Nutes, Outdoor Autos ?!

    Howdy Fellas ! So I'm back for my 2nd Autoflowering grow, this time trying it out in the outdoors. :mrgreen: First off, the Strains! Dinafem - Blue Cheese Auto - Greenhouse - Northern Lights Auto World Of Seeds - Afghan Kush Ryder (Freebie) - Along with other pheno freebies which I will...
  10. marcustheasshole

    New thread un known bag/auto 250hps coco grow

    Looks Great!!! The yellowing is definitely a Nitrogen Deficiency... My advice at this point would be to flush your plant on next watering and let it dry out to get as much oxygen in the soil as possible... Give it a good water with the nutrients you're using (raising the Nitrogen), your plants...
  11. marcustheasshole

    2 x 4 Auto Grow ! (Easy Ryder/Red Dwarf)

    Update! Girls are doing great! The one ER is still in shock and having slow growth due to the (N) deficiency (potentially)... I watered last night with Floramicro + FloraBloom in a higher dosage, see what happens by this time tomorrow. Cheers!!
  12. marcustheasshole

    Mag Issue???

    Can't help but stress this issue. It's been a few days since this lady is looking like this... It's mostly the bottom leaves, but it seems like its slowly moving its way up... Up to the top the leaves are sort of droppy as well... The very top of the plant looks great... My other 4 plants are...
  13. marcustheasshole

    2 x 4 Auto Grow ! (Easy Ryder/Red Dwarf)

    I think it's pretty good!! I know it dries out much faster.. The plant is much taller for sure!! I'll be growing with only Airpots for my next round. I haven't tried the smartpots yet, I may even mix them up, see what kind of results I get.
  14. marcustheasshole

    2 x 4 Auto Grow ! (Easy Ryder/Red Dwarf)

    All Seems fine here, besides my one Easy Ryder who seems to have had an overwatering issue/nutrient deficiency.... New growth is doing well, although the bottom turned out yellow a bit.... Turned on the 600w 2 days ago, they're loving it !! :-P Cheers!!
  15. marcustheasshole

    Unknown Droopyness ?!

    I may have overwatered 2 days ago, soil is moist still but not wet... Any other comments??
  16. marcustheasshole

    Yellow Tips! Brownish spots???

    Just got back from amsterdam, leaving the plants in my friend's hands for 7days... The 4th plant (Easy Ryder) was dried so hence the droopiness... Most of them are doing alright, just this one plant who has yellow leaf tips and having spots as you can see.. Not too sure how to Diagnose this...
  17. marcustheasshole

    2 x 4 Auto Grow ! (Easy Ryder/Red Dwarf)

    Back from Amsterdam. Plants are looking good! Although there is one plant that I'm not sure how to diagnose... Tips are turning yellow they have some brownish spots on the leaves... The others are doing great.. Take a look!! One of them was fully dried, hence the droopiness...
  18. marcustheasshole

    2 x 4 Auto Grow ! (Easy Ryder/Red Dwarf)

    UPDATE! Alright so It's been a few days since my last post, for those of you reading here are the photos ! They pretty much doubled in size in the last 6 days. Although they could be in a much better state (or worst, really) I left thursday afternoon to go visit some family up North, and only...
  19. marcustheasshole

    Air- Pot Club

    I love those things !! I'm currently growing an Auto in one of them; I have one Easy Ryder in one Airpot and 1 in a Regular Plastic Pot planted at the same time and the Airpot grow is definitely advanced. Could be genetics by all means but I will be buying some more regardless.
  20. marcustheasshole

    2 x 4 Auto Grow ! (Easy Ryder/Red Dwarf)

    Can someone explain to me why the hell they are growing so slow?? It seems the more I look at other auto grows, by week 3 they're much bigger than mine are.. I know the dwarves were planted a few days after but they are still way small.. The ER's are doing good but I still feel like they should...