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  1. s`KlUe

    Wardrobe tent Lowryder#2 CFL grow

    Harvested the two remaining girls a couple of days ago - Pics don't really do them justice! I'm currently drying on coathangers in the tent with the carbon filter going as well as another fan moving air around. Have quite a few large bags of silica gel in the tent to help with humidity. Peace
  2. s`KlUe

    8 bulb 2' T5 Tent

    I'm loving my 250w cfls! Good to use on top and then have some smaller ones on the sides. Your timer can probably handle 2000w so should be sweet :)
  3. s`KlUe

    8 bulb 2' T5 Tent

    Your girls are looking sweet bro, can't wait to see in a few weeks! ;)
  4. s`KlUe

    2x 250W cfl grow

    Nice work man, looking good!
  5. s`KlUe

    Wardrobe tent Lowryder#2 CFL grow

    It does look tasty despite the hermie change and slightly early harvest, will let you know how it goes though :)
  6. s`KlUe

    Wardrobe tent Lowryder#2 CFL grow

    Always knew there was something not quite right with the herm, thought it was originally just a pheno difference but I think it's just an unstable strain or supplier, since all three are all so different. Harvested it early to save any pollination, although I'll be cutting the tall one within...
  7. s`KlUe

    Wardrobe tent Lowryder#2 CFL grow

    Can anyone confirm if this is a hermie? If so, I'm lucky it's so late in flowering and the other two seem OK.. Should I cut the herm or just let it ripen? The other two should be ready within a couple of days, there are amber trichromes showing now..
  8. s`KlUe

    Wardrobe tent Lowryder#2 CFL grow

    We are getting close now... The tall, yellowing one is starting to turn crystals milky, I'm expecting a few ambers to pop up within the next few days. Other two are slowly starting to yellow their fan leaves and are clearly lagging behind.
  9. s`KlUe

    Wardrobe tent Lowryder#2 CFL grow

    Cheers man, the tent was around $150 from memory. I love the tent as it can be packed up once finished but it does come with the downside of not being airtight. Outside smell is minimal with the carbon filter, but with fans inside it does escape a little.
  10. s`KlUe

    Wardrobe tent Lowryder#2 CFL grow

    Yeah man looking forward to it! I've stopped ferts on the tall girl as I think she'll be done in 1-1.5 weeks, the others I've slowed down with too in the hopes that they start drawing out the N etc. from the leaves, still quite green..
  11. s`KlUe

    Wardrobe tent Lowryder#2 CFL grow

    Quick update... It's funny the difference between the plants.. 2 of them have the tall cola sites, where as the 3rd has massive fan leaves on the whole top and the colas are all growing underneath the leaves... Attached a couple of pics of her as well to describe it better.. Hard to tell how...
  12. s`KlUe

    Wardrobe tent Lowryder#2 CFL grow

    Hard to say since they're all so different man. The tall girl has been yellowing her lower fan leaves and dropping smaller bottom ones, so I'd say 1-2 weeks for her, the others I'm gonna guess at 2-3 weeks.. Trichromes are still very clear on all 3 girls though, so who knows really :)
  13. s`KlUe

    Stealth 250W CFL Auto Grow - Sweet seeds fast bud automatic

    Great harvest mate, I hope you enjoy your produce! ;)
  14. s`KlUe

    Wardrobe tent Lowryder#2 CFL grow

    Few macro shots of the girls.... more to come over the next few days, enjoy.. Peace :joint:
  15. s`KlUe

    Wardrobe tent Lowryder#2 CFL grow

    Thanks guys, will keep you posted
  16. s`KlUe

    First CFL Grow / Short Ryder auto (new thread)

    Looking good bro, keen to see ur girls finished ;) Peace
  17. s`KlUe

    8 bulb 2' T5 Tent

    Looking good man! Peace
  18. s`KlUe

    Wardrobe tent Lowryder#2 CFL grow

    Updates are finally here ;) I'm probably going to stop ferts and begin flushing on the tall fat girl at the end of this week, the other two are going to take a bit longer from the looks, still very lush green leaves and buds growing.. Can't wait :joint: Peace :weed:
  19. s`KlUe

    Wardrobe tent Lowryder#2 CFL grow

    Nah, doesn't need a ballast, it screws in to a bigger socket on the wings, but no ballast. They are day 46 total :)
  20. s`KlUe

    Wardrobe tent Lowryder#2 CFL grow

    Cheers mate. Love ur avatar hah ;)