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  1. XzXTDuBBXzX

    I have a Damn Mushroom that just magically popped up by my female...Can I get help???

    Alright thats what I was thinkin but i wanted some one elses opinion...:mrgreen:
  2. XzXTDuBBXzX

    I have a Damn Mushroom that just magically popped up by my female...Can I get help???

    Theres a Fucking mushroom by my female wtf is that????????/:joint::confused:
  3. XzXTDuBBXzX

    begin budding early?

    yes preflowers are there how much bud should i expect?
  4. XzXTDuBBXzX

    begin budding early?

    around 15in.
  5. XzXTDuBBXzX

    begin budding early?

    my plants are about 3 months old and are starting to get to tall to fit in my grow area what were to happen if i change from 24 hr light to 12/12 would my babies bud?
  6. XzXTDuBBXzX

    Going to Amsterdam?

    Is it worth saving up for a ticket to amsterdam? how much do i need for a trip from usa to amsterdam? any info would be great.thank you
  7. XzXTDuBBXzX

    1st PRIMO Blunt & now I hate myself.

    yea good advice man....ill never do it again. But yea this picture above me is so fuckin hilarious.OMG LMAO
  8. XzXTDuBBXzX

    1st PRIMO Blunt & now I hate myself.

    I grew up hatin that my mom smoked crack.I told myself id never do anythingbut smoke pot...but no...1 day my cousin brought his friend over...n what happens he wipps out a nice couple of fat buds & a lil pile of coke.Oh and like a dumbass I smoked it.I feel like a complete idiot now cuz i...
  9. XzXTDuBBXzX

    Snipping on my beautiful plant?!?!?

    thanx this all helps alot
  10. XzXTDuBBXzX

    homade bong ideas to share?

    I have about 7 homade bongs that all work to perfection...pass on succesful homade bong ideas that have worked & ill do the same
  11. XzXTDuBBXzX

    Snipping on my beautiful plant?!?!?

    when do i snip and what do i snip?
  12. XzXTDuBBXzX

    Snipping on my beautiful plant?!?!?

    some one told me about 'topping' my plants. I guess your supposed to snip the leaves or something wtf..i dont wanna cut my babies...but if its better for the future of the plant i guess id be down w/ it..any info is greatly appreciated thanks.,,,..... .,... , !.., ,. ...
  13. XzXTDuBBXzX

    My 2 month old plant smells like straight skunk.

    I mean i would've never thought that a little baby w/o buds could produce such a skunky smell...its almost stupid. On the other hand its other brothers/sisters have no smell what so ever. I dunno tell me what you think. Im...
  14. XzXTDuBBXzX

    Please Help Me Clone!!!!!

    Im new at this and i would really appreciate if someone would tell me how to clone my plants.Thank You
  15. XzXTDuBBXzX

    Cannabis vegetative growth

    sum where beetween 5 & 7 months is the best time to switch the light cycle from 24hr to 12hr light 12 hours dark. but remember the more light= more THC, but ur buds grow in the dark...they cant do it themselves.
  16. XzXTDuBBXzX

    Cannabis vegetative growth

    sum where beetween 5 & 7 months is the best time to switch the light cycle from 24hr to 12hr light 12 hours dark. but remember the more light= more THC, but ur buds grow in the dark...good growing bub
  17. XzXTDuBBXzX

    Need Soil Help

    look man just get some soil brand new or used it dont really matter if its dry mix with about a cup a water before planting.Thats all u need 2 kno my guy
  18. XzXTDuBBXzX

    more potent herb

    Is there anything i can do to increase the potency of THC in my plants?
  19. XzXTDuBBXzX

    My Little Secret

    Little does any 1kno that in a *secret room*aka GLuRGonia there are 4 brother/sister plants (sex undetermind) who have been quitely growing for about 2 months under a 370 watt heat lamp. Is there anything i can do to make the potency of the weed stronger to have much better pot1...