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  1. C

    sunroom grow

    I'd do it if I had your place for sure. I'd say indoor grow because you're under glass that's attached to your home via open passageway. You're an indoor grow getting outdoor sunlight! lol. Would be the best air freshener! Anyone hear of essential oil of cannabis?
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    Turn ons and offs..............go!

    For me: Turn offs: selfishness, not taking it upon themselves to be a 50/50 team player (no need to remind the other half that you matter too), mental activity that stops at celeb news and the ipod, no genuine interest in herself, us and I, does not put the effort out for groceries, cleaning...
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    Are Hot Women attacted More to Bad Guys

    Advice worth taking to heart. If you don't, you may very well be setting your life up for some unhappy times and only those who have done the same will comfort you
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    Who controls the world?

    "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their...
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    Monolithic Dome homes-Dope Dome!!

    Hey everybody, how is your day going (legit question! lol)? I'm just hanging out at home smoking a j with my girlfriend whilst enjoying a new IPA from a local brewery here in Vancouver. I've been looking at all these different ways of building a house out of environmentally conscious materials...
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    Sleeping pills that work....any ideas??

    What is your sleep environment like? Bedroom have any light seeping in? How good is your mattress? Too hot/cold room? Sleep better when room is cool. Lavender essential oil diffusing is relaxing. Perhaps take a short hiatus and catch up on sleep and find a tipi for rent near by. The conical...
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    Need a new vaporizer. Is the Volcano still king?

    Hey man. I bought a Volcano Classic with the replacement bag valve one (less waste) and I have to say, my girlfriend has a Wispr and it is great, my buddy has some crappy loud one and of all of them I feel higher and have complete confidence that I am getting 100% of my green's worth with my...
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    2013 summer grow...DAMN!

    Hats off to you, man! Looks awesome. Generally speaking, how did/do you find keeping outdoor plants happy/safe/fed? Was there a constant thought of, "oh man, hope no bugs or animals are picking up the scent for a yummy treat"?
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    Vertical Aero grow idea, any insight?

    Hey all, hope you're Sunday morning is going well. I've got this idea for an aeroponic setup and was looking for any input or Insight. Here's my idear: have a 4x8 res that's about 10inches deep with lid attached. Stand it up vertically and jimmy in aero plumbing. Have maximum plant spots per...
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    My dad has insomnia

    Niacin (vitamin B3) works great
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    Hepatitis C

    Thought my two cents may be of interest to you... I've spent the better part of the last two years researching/investigating, experimenting on myself and family members, and listening and talking with my biology professor and its all been focused on natural healing methods. Back at the...
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    ex joint smokers, volcano vaporizer

    Hey Brett, I haven't been smoking for ten years yet but have binged on joints daily for the last year and a half until I bought a Volcano three weeks ago...and am I ever glad I did! I've noticed that deep breaths feel more full and deep and the high is incredible. It's a very clean and expensive...
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    Any good remedies for sore throats?

    Ginger tea with honey and massage your lymph nodes in your neck for 10 minutes, 10 times a day, works for me, but I usually massage for 20mins. Gets all the gross gunk out of your lymph nodes. I was told by a good friend that your lymphs hurt/swell near the areas of infection hence why your neck...
  14. C

    Hey All!

    Greetings from Vancouver Island, BC! The province that was bad ass till Washington and Colorado legalized pot...and the country that was cool till our current government came to power with less than 30% of the popular vote :wall: lol :-P My girlfriend and I have done two grows to date...but...
  15. C

    Do You Take a LOT of Hot Showers? Frequent nausea, vomitting? Pain?

    I've spent many many hours on research, self-experimentation, and even being the "Natural Doctor" for the family and friends and to this day-and no, I am not exaggerating-none of us have experienced a negative side-effect of natural medicines and super high vitamin supplement dosages; only...