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  1. J

    Spider mites... quick question

    Has anyone ever tried thoroughly rinsing plants with cold tap water from a shower head? I just did it to all my mothers, I sprayed the shit out of the undersides of all the leaves. I don't have a major problem yet, I dont see webs just small mites and some eggs. I ripped off the 3 badly damaged...
  2. J

    Small white bugs living in soil

    Thanks for the help, Ill put some perlite on the soil. I also put fly tape over a yellow paper to help catch the flying buggers.
  3. J

    Small white bugs living in soil

    I can't seem to find what type of bugs these are. I bought MG seed starter soil and noticed a bug on the outside of the bag after I used it for a bunch of clones. Now I have ~13 into flower a few weeks and I dont see any damage, but I have a few newer clones and I see a bug or 2 run over the top...
  4. J

    new york outdoor how do they look?

    Not sure if anyones from Seneca county, but cops siezed 168 plants. Not much but still...
  5. J

    new york outdoor how do they look?

    Fellow NY'er here, just tried outdoor this year with horrible luck. I tried some out in the woods but the drought ruined them since I couldn't nearly water as much as they needed. I put some out LATE like late august, so Im hoping for some late season stuff. I have a couple in a soy bean...
  6. J

    DWC Raft Cloner G.A.P.E. (steps/notes for results)

    I use soil and so far 100% success with most ready for repot in ~1 week. I found that instead of those small starter tray things, I used these trays with 6 spots about the diameter of a solo cup but maybe 1/2 the height work great. I see A LOT more roots quicker with these. I started a clone...
  7. J

    Here's a helpful trick for odor control

    I used dryer sheets til I made a carbon filter. Worked great but I hated the smell of the sheets.
  8. J

    50 litre Coco Grow

    Just straight coco? Im no expert but they look good. I started using a coco/soil mix and love it! I use worm castings, coco, and a little bit of starter soil. I also soak the coco in a super thrive mixture. I wont be goin back to plain soil now that I've tried this
  9. J

    DIY Exhaust Fan for under 20$

    I got 2 pc fans, and some dryer ducting. I put a fan in each end of the ducting, and a carbon filter at the end with both fans pushing air to it. Works great, and temps are 20 degrees cooler than without it.( I'm using a rubbermaid tote with 3 CFLs)
  10. J

    Best way to control animals?

    as for the font, use comic sans, everyone hate it
  11. J

    Exposed For What They Are!

    You people are truly fruit loops that are trying to fill my brain with fucking bullshit. Anyone who believes in these gods are brainwashed. Theres no proof besides some book that who knows who wrote it. It just blows my mind how religion is taking over everything, it makes me want to move away...
  12. J

    Aquarium Water for Your Indoor Organic Garden

    I've been using lake water and its working quite well. I pick it up in 5 gal water jugs when its crystal clear
  13. J

    music to help my plants grow?

    songs about mary jane. Im gonna put a little set up that plays the weed song by bone thugs as well as some trippy bass songs
  14. J

    Bypassing power meter?

    wanna grow off the grid? go outdoors, free light!
  15. J

    Just got these buds, what do you guys think?

    looks like a slightly compressed bud... wow
  16. J

    How do you guerillas discreetly mark plants for type and location?

    theres deer trails on the other side and I use a runoff spot on the side of the creek to get up. I'm pretty confident she wont make it over there since its a steep hill. I even have trouble. I have ditched the GPS idea, I'm gonna go with natural markers and popsicle sticks for strand markers...
  17. J

    How do you guerillas discreetly mark plants for type and location?

    I shall try these out. I got crazy and spread them all willy nilly to make it look inconspicuos. My mom likes to walk in the woods but hopefully shes too fat to get across the creek where these are lol.
  18. J

    How do you guerillas discreetly mark plants for type and location?

    I'm doing my first outdoor grow. I have 16 in the ground scattered throughout my plot. I tried using a GPS app on my phone but it didnt turn out as well as I hoped. I need to label and mark where all my plants are but do it discreetly since its my moms property. I dont need her walking around...
  19. J

    Twisting on new growth

    I'm going with the hippo with diarrhea. That happened to a few of my plants... damn ninja hippos