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  1. F


    they are doing very well from the h20 diet
  2. F


    Well seeems like the water is doing some good the yellow is going away and its starting to smell good
  3. F

    Plant doesn't seem to be flowering after 12/12 +other problems

    be patient and make sure no light is on them when its not supposed to be
  4. F


    thanks alot i dont know my ph level cause dont have a tester but will get one
  5. F


    thanks what if it is what can i do?
  6. F


    gonna try the water, igot a few smaller ones that are a good 25 inches from light but doing the same
  7. F


    about 16"+ -
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    humidity stays about 45 to 60%
  9. F


    soil and been just started with qt teaspoon per gallon bloom boost and my light is about 18" away
  10. F

    bugs on my plants

    mini praying matis?
  11. F

    bugs on my plants

    mini praying mantis?
  12. F


    can someone tell me whats wrong with my plants and how i can help them...600watt 5x5 grow.they were doing good till they started flowering.."HELP"
  13. F

    bugs on my plants

    where can i get it and how do i apply
  14. F

    bugs on my plants

    ok thanks but what about the mini praying mantis, thats what they look like anyway.i havent really noticed any leaves being ate or any other damage
  15. F

    bugs on my plants

    i have got some gnats and looks like some minature praying mantis on my plants they are little as a fly what can i use on them?