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  1. Chronic1989

    Florida grow outdoor 3weeks in flower and bud rot

    thank u im going to try both
  2. Chronic1989

    Florida grow outdoor 3weeks in flower and bud rot

    i need help here guys i found worms but i pull them off every time i see them is this what is causing my baby buds to rot and die. what should i do it looks to me that im to far along to spray it down with some spay, dont want chemicals on it. how do i defeat the worms .this is the second year...
  3. Chronic1989

    Welcome New Members!

    hi every1 im a newb lol
  4. Chronic1989

    Florida Growers Thread

    yo im new to the forums and i live in tallahassee fl
  5. Chronic1989

    Still Budding in May!?

    i dont see why not. i have had the same problem and i read somewhere that you should start your out door crop in mid may. if you are moving clones from indoors to outdoors u need to harden them off. get them acclimated to the out doors.
  6. Chronic1989

    Starting FF nutes, what Ph do I adjust to?

    this is what soil i use and it works great happy frog soil 1 BAG ancient forest 3 cups wonder worm worm castings 2 cups roots organism xl 2 tbl spoons