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  1. randomdub

    holes but no pests, help

    I have 1 girl scout cookie that has a few leafs like this. I'm feeding it the same as the other GSC. Running about 1100-1200ppm and using calimag with r/o water. Ph is right about 5.8 -6.0. Temps have been in the high 70s with light and high 60s without. This is in 3 gallon smart pots using 2par...
  2. randomdub

    Thrift shop cabinet turned Grow cab!

    So I decided I wanted to stop buying my clones. This lead to a trip to the thrift shop to see if I could find any good candidates for a grow cab. To my surprise my first stop was a home run. I found this beauty for $35. I quickly started my work cutting exhaust holes and intake holes, getting...
  3. randomdub

    10 23w CFL Grow

    So I was messing around with a Jack Herer clone I got from a buddy. I decided to throw it under my homeade CFL wing. It turned out pretty well. This grew right along side my tomatoes, basil, oregano, and thyme.
  4. randomdub

    Custom CFL grow light 12/12 from seed!!

    Started growing some bag seed in my closet a few days ago. I had 6 seeds and they all germinated. Started them in solo cups and am doing 12/12 from seed as i dont have a large space or proper growing environment. I made a custom CFL light from an old wing reflector and some all weather light...
  5. randomdub

    Randomdubs Grow Room 400w!

    :leaf: I have one other thread on here that was for questions for one of my plants I was worried about. I decided like many others to consolidate my pictures and make a progress thread to gain feedback and advice as I go. This is my first grow and it is being done legally here in Cali. I am...
  6. randomdub

    Gods Gift under 400w HPS, leaves not spreading apart...whats up?

    Here is some pictures of my gods gift indica plant. I have two of these in my grow room under a 400w HPS. The temp in the rooms is normally around 81 degrees because its summer. I am using the fox farm nutrients and feeding schedule. These plants are 1 week into flowering. I am just trying to...
  7. randomdub

    Pineapple Thai / Gods Gift 400w HPS and a few outdoor Medical Cali grow

    So here it is, my very first medical cannabis grow here in California (thank you prop 215). I have had some trial and error along the way and have learned a lot from these forums to help me get started and not mess up to bad. I built a 4x6x7 room inside my office room. I framed it with 2x2's and...
  8. randomdub

    First time with clones, think i messed them up.

    So i got 9 clones from my local club. 4 Gods gift and 5 pineapple thai. They are rockwool clones. I transplanted them into some 6 inch pots to get some roots going before they go into the 3 gallon pots. I am using foxfarm soil. I planted the clones and then mixed my water with some miracle grow...