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  1. S

    4Beginners: cash strapped Northern Europeans can grow organic herb too !

    make a 'leanto' or a greenhouse it will have the same effect really, keeps water out and bugs etc, keeps temp up a bit at night, should do the job. You could also make a slanted brick wall and put plants under so the water runs off and protects the herbs.
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    4Beginners: cash strapped Northern Europeans can grow organic herb too !

    No lights at all here other than the big one in the sky.It's the best one there is.:-P Just trying to help a few people out on very limited funds my plants look really healthy. I will get a photo up to show how far you can go with just a cardboard box. Cannot believe the results so far with such...
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    4Beginners: cash strapped Northern Europeans can grow organic herb too !

    This is what I did for my first 'budget' grow... started on 01/06/2012 so do this in the summer time in Northern Europe. I am what you might call a lightweight, I don't need much herb to get a buzz so I decided to look into growing my own herb. I was recommended a specific seed type when I got...
  4. S

    Describe your favourite Herb buzz !

    I am an old school man (87-1990 rave) so I was used to brown seeded weed and also some hash. My favourite all time buzz was from red seal and gold seal. It would be quantitively different. The smell would be almost citrussy and sweet and I would simply find myself laughing and in a great 'up'...
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    Speed up flowering stage outdoors

    I have just started my 4 week veg Wappa's (Paradise Seeds) into flower, only 5 days in yet so not much change, though new leaves are not developing quite right so it seems the hormones are changing in the plant. I put a large cardboard box on top of them each evening and take it off in the...
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    Outdoor grow 2012. Nor Cal.

    Could the root system be cooking in the plastic pots, I notice my ots get very hot and am only in northern Europe.
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    New low tech person here

    I imagined there would be a little bit of air coming in underneath ? Open to sugestions man a complete inexperienced peson here just learning as I go : ) Thanks herb bredren bongsmilie a few other questions.... 1)I thought a little bit of air would come under the box ? I did not realize it has...
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    New low tech person here

    Thanks for tips and advice. Yes the box is a manual job. hhmmm. Perlite, ok will think it through might traumatize the plant as they were only repotted 4 days ago into these ones.
  9. S

    New low tech person here

    Hi bruv here we are, it's good yeah for compost from the shop round the corner. I only spent about $10.00 on the soil, pots and organic feed. Hope it works. I respect you guys for going the hole hog with all the gear tenst and what not but I have not got the dolars for that so i hope I am a...
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    New low tech person here

    Hi I have 2 small plants, Wappa and they go nice thus far, small but nice about 6-8 inches high.A few sets of leaves. Gonna leave em some longer and I simply put em in good compost, some organic feed from the 1$ shop and they seem irie.;-) They are out in the day inside in the evening in pots...