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    Woke up this morning to seedling ripped out of pot

    Good crop, very achievable. You see I want to grow personal, not visit the pen. I have a jack herrer and og kush sprouted from cfl's and I just put them under the 400w MH. Goodbye Vanilla Kush, I shall purchase another one of your seeds next grow.
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    Woke up this morning to seedling ripped out of pot

    It was my dog, and of course I'm going to be upset. It's fine people. "Good luck" with your plants.
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    Woke up this morning to seedling ripped out of pot

    You don't have any idea. She knows fair and well. She's a alcoholic that does crazy shit for no reason, it could have been a dog. Keep out of my business chump.
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    Woke up this morning to seedling ripped out of pot

    It was a og kush strain about a week old
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    Woke up this morning to seedling ripped out of pot

    It was just kind of laying there in the pot dead. I tried replanting it but it was dead and unwilling to stand up straight in the soil. Will it come back to life?
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    I killed my babies! Help! :(

    So like The bud on one was way behind and is non existent with mainly alot of long white hairs so ill trash that one. My other 2 have pretty crystallized bud. I don't want to wait to long to harvest it and have it die with the plant, but its also not ready yet. Pictures incoming..
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    I killed my babies! Help! :(

    Fucking quuuuuuuuuuickkkkk
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    Question about Vics super soil

    Thanks :) !!!!!!
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    I killed my babies! Help! :(

    I used like a cup in a 2l:(
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    Question about Vics super soil

    1 Bale sunshine mix #2 or promix (3.8 cu ft) 8 cups Bone Meal - phosphorus source 4 cups Blood Meal - nitrogen source 1 1/3 cups Epsom salts - magnesium source 3-4 cups dolomite lime -calcium source & pH buffering 4 cups kelp meal. 9kg (25 lbs) bag pure worm castings - Mix thoroughly...
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    I killed my babies! Help! :(

    So it turns out after going to work and coming back that the viniger was just too much and got to all of them. They all are turning like dead ugly alien plants. I flushed the two I did not transplant with alot of water. Now I hope the soil just dries quick enough for them to save themselves.
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    I killed my babies! Help! :(

    I need to by myself a magnifier still. At least 30x right?
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    I killed my babies! Help! :(

    Since around August 12th, but it was under really really really poor lighting.
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    I killed my babies! Help! :(

    Yes sir and heres the super simple mix i plan to on using 1 Bag Promix (4 cu ft) 6 cups Bone Meal - phosphorus source 2 cups Blood Meal - nitrogen source (as an expense saver 6 cups Bone/Blood meal mix may be substituted with varied success depending upon mix ratio) 1 cup Epsom salts -...
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    I killed my babies! Help! :(

    The next items on my check-list now that i have my HID light and Ph meter is Ph up and down, bigger pots, and one of the many lovely soil mixes posted on this website. Anyways here are the pics of the bud, its really sticky.
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    I killed my babies! Help! :(

    So lets say this plant doesnt recover and dies. What should I do with this bud? Its my first time so I have no idea if its close to being harvested or not. It has a lot of white hairs and is frosty. I guess ill grab some pics of the bud and see what you guys say.
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    I killed my babies! Help! :(

    Posted 5 mins to late bud :(
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    I killed my babies! Help! :(

    I just went ahead and did the transplant. I shook as much earth off as I could without trying to lose any roots. I then replanted it into a new pot with dry soil. How long should I wait to water it?
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    I killed my babies! Help! :(

    You think a flush would be good enough?
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    I killed my babies! Help! :(

    And I have never transplanted before, how would I go about doing that to a big plant like I have? I don't want to rip all of its roots off.