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  1. Nobs13

    Ganjaluvrs Drying & Curing Broken Down into Understandable English

    (if the stem breaks in two when bent.. you have "over dried" the buds.. or in other words.. you have let out too much if not all of the buds moisture content.. and its pretty much too late now.. it can be fixed.. but its a pain in the ass.. How can it be fixed.. ??
  2. Nobs13

    Can you hermie a male into a female?

    Sorry...A female that has been pollinated by a male.
  3. Nobs13

    Can you hermie a male into a female?

    Can a Female that is going to seed damage the other females in the greenhouse, if they are still females ? And can you cut off the branches or buds off the seeded plants and continue to grow as a female ?