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  1. stickyickygoodness420

    Infared Photography different from Thermal imaging?

    from what ive seen on the discovery channel, they use those cameras to detect weed plants because mj plants are super bright green compared to all the surrounding vegetation in the area. they pretty much stick out like a soar thumb.
  2. stickyickygoodness420

    one of my close friends raided my garden and stole all my plants!

    dude, you fucked up plain and simple! not trying to be a dick brotha, but telling people is the dumbest thing you could ever do, let alone showing them where it was. and if dude TOLD you him and his older bro go around ripping people off, that should have been a red flag! hell, you should ditch...
  3. stickyickygoodness420

    Upper age limit of drivers - should be imposed?

    man, people need to fucking pay attention when driving! sorry to hear about your unfortunate circumstances brother... as for the senior drivers issue, i think that once people become a senior citizen, it should be mandatory for them to pass an extensive driving test each year. i keep hearing...
  4. stickyickygoodness420

    Whats the worst care scenario. CAUGHT GROWING 50 PLANTS IN SOCAL!

    c'mon people! nobody has a story? ^bump!^
  5. stickyickygoodness420

    Florida....Home of the fucked....learn from my mistake

    thats a botched deal bro... if i was you, i would have not said anything about turning in anyone until you harvested and broke down your op and cashed in AND THEN turn those sicko pedos in to the police so when they tried to get you caught up, they aint got shit on you. i guess you live and...
  6. stickyickygoodness420

    Whats the worst care scenario. CAUGHT GROWING 50 PLANTS IN SOCAL!

    OK, so im just curious about this... my friend is growing right now with no mmj card and about 57 plants in so cal. I'm concerned about the consequences if hes caught. he claims ( and also a few other people i know that grow a nice amount) its pretty much a slap on the wrist for a first time...
  7. stickyickygoodness420

    Four Legged Security - Post Your Pics!!!

    i like the last pic of the pit... beautiful dog man! does anyone recommend any particular breed for a good companion/ watch dog? ive considered a pit but im worried due to the stigma surrounding them and my home owners insurance will be null and void if i own one. and i also know that its...
  8. stickyickygoodness420

    Sending Weed

    ok just wanted to share a little something... i know people who have mailed up to a half pound (im sure you could get away with more, just be cautious) by mail before and its always gone smoothly. rule #1. NEVER use ups or fed-ex or any private shipping co. that ships internationally. EVER...
  9. stickyickygoodness420

    Four Legged Security - Post Your Pics!!!

    i came across this thread because im considering a canine for security as well and for you(moebius) to make that accusation is outlandish and fucking stupid! i know lots of people who own dogs for many reasons with security being one of them and they dont even grow! so i guess they must be doing...
  10. stickyickygoodness420

    4,000 Watts?

    rainman, not sure if your aware but do your self a favor and do a closed grow set up and consolidate your grow into one room if you can. generally, 3- 1k lights can support about 14 plants under each depending on strain and bucket size. closed grow rooms. pros: heat and smell is concealed in...
  11. stickyickygoodness420

    Official 'FUCK THE POLICE' Thread. (Examples of Police Brutality)

    get mad at me if you want but FUCK THE POLICE!.... in general. there are a few people who are the exceptions. not all are bad but wtf? i hang out with my buddy and all his brothers at their house all the time and everyone we know is always over there too. so my buddy has an older cousin(...
  12. stickyickygoodness420

    anyone ever been caught/raided for growing and/or having more than a few lbs. in CA?

    yeah, im working on it atm... its just the cost! at least the way i want to do it. im super anal over everything and i have to go over board with every thing i do... lol, its like a sickness! i can't bring my self to cut corners:bigjoint:
  13. stickyickygoodness420

    so you got license carry 7 lbs...

    where can you even get a license to carry and/or legally grow 7 lbs? id sure like to know...
  14. stickyickygoodness420

    cops took my plants!

    if they did not have a search warrant for your plants its illegal to prosecute you for them. im no attorney, but i know anything thats not included in a search warrant found in a raid will be omitted in court if you are if you were the guy they were looking for, they got ya by the...
  15. stickyickygoodness420

    What to expect in court

    "Here he would get probation and have to do comunity service for possession but 18 grams is just over two ounces " ahahahahaha! thats good shit man! you know we gotta rip ya for that one!:dunce:
  16. stickyickygoodness420

    Girlfriend has drug test in 48 hours

    two words.... QUICK FIX! never fails. unless their watching you take a piss.
  17. stickyickygoodness420

    Storing real piss for DT

    i dunno man...thats a stretch. most drug tests now days have a thermometer on the card thing they stick into the piss cup so unless you have a warming device you might be screwed. you could always get a "quick fix" kit. it comes with a little eye dropper style bottle and hand warmer with a fake...
  18. stickyickygoodness420

    Assuming Romney will win the Nomination

    i think your spot on. thats i say screw it! growers unit! lets take this shit over for the working man before we're phased out. i just think its soooo funny that uncle sam is the biggest drug dealer in the world, let alone the U.S. and they can sell all the drugs they want, ruin peoples life...
  19. stickyickygoodness420

    anyone ever been caught/raided for growing and/or having more than a few lbs. in CA?

    <@ vindicated. > oh ok, so you grow out doors grow outdoor but i have scumbag neighbors that would definitely rob me blind. plus ive always have the consensus that indoor was better than outdoor. at least in my experience. ive yet to find some outdoor that knocked me on my ass...