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  1. BigSlice

    Has anyone chopped yet??

    I pulled one of my two girls last night, and trimmed them up before hanging them. The frost hit really hard the past couple nights, so I wanted at least one of them out of the ground in case we got hit again overnight. We didn't, I'm glad to say, so I've left the bigger one in for now. I'll hold...
  2. BigSlice


    Wow, man... I'm really, truly sorry to have just read this whole thread. I totally feel for you, man. My brother had his plots trashed a few years ago, too... in almost the same fashion; one by thieves, and the other from cops. It broke his heart, and he was nowhere NEAR your level (5lbs in the...
  3. BigSlice

    Canadian outdoor medical

    In just outside the GTA, and we've had terrible weather lately, too. I'm getting concerned, frankly.
  4. BigSlice

    Has anyone chopped yet??

    I'm still a few weeks away from harvest time. I had a branch snap off the other day in this freaky wind/hail storm we had, so it's hanging up in the shed. Should be ready for Friday night. Otherwise, I'm trying my best to be patient with the two ChemDog plants I've got going in the back garden...
  5. BigSlice

    Long time smoker, first time grower

    The strain is ChemDog, which as far as I can tell online is a hybrid Sativa/Indica. The clones were a good price, and the research I did online ahead of time made them look like real winners if everything worked out. As for the smoke not being that great... well, time will tell, I suppose. I'll...
  6. BigSlice

    Long time smoker, first time grower

    I checked them this morning, and something (either the high winds or the hail we got yesterday) had broken one of the branches off. So, it looks like I'll get to test it after all. I've hung it up to dry, and will get to test it out by the weekend. It smells delicious in my shed right now, and...
  7. BigSlice

    Long time smoker, first time grower

    I'm using a 5-30-20 at the moment. My plants aren't as tall as I'd like them to be, but I'm pretty sure that's because a mouse or mole got into the root systems when they were just tiny little clones in the ground. The leaves are a good colour, no yellowing at all. I've trimmed off some of the...
  8. BigSlice

    Long time smoker, first time grower

    Frankly, I'm terrified of the frost. I know these ladies aren't quite ready to come out of the ground yet, but it's been getting ridiculously cold at nights the last week or so. We haven't had frost yet, but temps are dropping to 7 or 8 celcius, so it won't be long.
  9. BigSlice

    Long time smoker, first time grower

    OK, here's where my ladies are at right now. This is obviously just a close-up of the top bud of the smaller of the two plants I have in the ground. There's still some time to go, but I think we're getting close now!
  10. BigSlice

    Long time smoker, first time grower

    I've heard that the first frost is OK for the plants, but that you must harvest before the second frost... is that true? We've had frost as early as mid-September before, and as late as Halloween. So, I know I've got a while to go. They're just such beautiful little ladies, I can't help but be...
  11. BigSlice

    Long time smoker, first time grower

    Hey guys, I've been lurking around here for a while now, and decided to jump into the fray. I'm growing a couple Chem Dog plants this year for the first time ever. I've been smoking for around 20 years, but have never grown it before... well, once when I was a teenager, but the plants got ripped...