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  1. L

    where did you last find legit LSD

    in the valley tripped so hard i chased my freinds off with a knife,before that good ol san fran
  2. L

    Is pot lethal to dogs?

    lol, my buddy made a buch of weed cookies and another buddies dog ate almost the whole batch,just slept it off.its funny cause they say choc is toxic to dogs.if you really want to laugh get a cat or rabbit stoned they get so sloppy,leaning over and falling
  3. L

    Your first Drug/Substance

    my first exp was caffeine jolt soda anyone remember jolt.then gmas wine and cigarettes oh the ciggs made me so sick.then weed from the guys selling joints in my apt complex(wtf who sells joints of dirtweed anymore lol) i was 14 and remember getting stoned.i tried weed at 12 but got stoned at...
  4. L

    San Pedro

    mostly what i seen on the web was 2 methods,to slow cook or simmer for hours to a black goo then chase it down.option 2 use some chemicals to extract the desired chems.from the research ive done a lot of those active substances are heat sensitive thats why many people boil it down and say ah it...
  5. L

    Best way to spike my best friend with LSD?

    yeah spiking a freind is not cool,ive had some trips go terribly wrong with my consent so to unknowingly dose,not good.ive seen everything from suicides,bad trips,to just plain scary time freind's of mine went fishing and got some blue liquid on guy dosed real hard and had a...
  6. L

    help identifying this cactus

    ok the best pic i had at the moment,but you can see the spines,color,and width,i hope that helps
  7. L

    help identifying this cactus

    if i can help here what you have is defin not san pedro or torch,sorry.the second post w flower if def san pedro.i thought every cactus was san pedro when i first started looking for them.ill share a couple easy identifying marks. 1.very small needles 2 color lime to dark green 3 thick colum...
  8. L

    I wish I could still get good Lucy.

    low profile, i know what you mean,im from sf bay and remember the good days of the dead seemed like it was coming out of the all you hear are rc's and occasional what ive done is looked into san pedro.i like the idea of something totally natural,non toxic,and...
  9. L

    San Pedro

    ps i have some pics to i can share for educational purposes
  10. L

    San Pedro

    im glad i came arcoss this forum.ive been growing san pedro for a couple years and have taken it a few times ill share some of my experiences with you guys here.first is how i came to buy my first one and trip on it. i looked into san pedro as an alternative mind opener to lsd.having taken...