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  1. S

    Finish the sentence above you!

    get old and purposly shit my pants while every1 thinks i have altzheimers and has to clean it and in the back of my mind ill be laughing my ass off!!! your mother looks like...
  2. S

    Do these ladies look ready for pickin? **PICS**

    look done to me the hairs are amber and brown pick em nice grow man
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    my plants are real droopy......(pics)

    too much water, not enuf light, and u need a fan to thicken the stem
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    They wont sprout:-(

    Heres the best way to germinate i find, 100% so far for me fuck the paper towel method get some rockwool cubes, put the seeds in them pointed end down, put them in one of those plastic trays spread out, 1 seed/ each rockwool cube, then put them somewhere humid with the lid over them, with the...
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    THE pot game

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    Hairy Vs Shaved?

    bald eagle buddy, i agree that if its not shaved the vaginas are usually stinky!!! unless maybe the hairy girls are just lazy and dont clean well, either way i like to eat pussy and nuttin worse than a mouth full of astroturf
  7. S

    Never high enough

    go to google and read up on making cannibutter works like a charm, takes about 30-45 minutes to kick in but youll def. feel it because 2 pinches on the tounge isnt enough u need about 1/8th but you will get fucked up
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    too early for germinating?

    I would start them inside under a small light for about a week, start them in rockwool cubes i find them to be the best! just throw 1 seed (pointy edge up) in 1 rockwool cube and put all the rockwool cubes in a small container spread out with a clear plastic lid so the light can reach them, this...
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    Use Outdoor Light And Indoor CFL's ?

    dont stress the plant pick one either outdoor or indoor