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  1. P

    NZ 2014/15 Outdoor Questions & Your Journals :)

    on toast, eating it plain tastes like shit but on toast its not too bad :)
  2. P

    NZ 2014/15 Outdoor Questions & Your Journals :)

    "Bud weight growth out weighs bud loss atm" excellent quote "had a few branches break of from weight :mrgreen:" good excuse for an early smoke!
  3. P

    NZ 2014/15 Outdoor Questions & Your Journals :)

    yeah i took the whole lot hahahaha, it was about 3/4 of a block, it got me way too high was on the verge of puking, im sure it would work if i just had half of it
  4. P

    NZ 2014/15 Outdoor Questions & Your Journals :)

    Not sure if I'm allowed to ask this but can someone send me some pollen through the mail? hahahaha
  5. P

    NZ 2014/15 Outdoor Questions & Your Journals :)

    I'm in need for next year's seeds, got a few females but no males to pollinate them, the plants are already 6-7 weeks into flowering and 50/50 sativa indica, is it still possible to spray them with colloidal silver and get seeds?
  6. P

    NZ 2014/15 Outdoor Questions & Your Journals :)

    you should definitely try, just get a block of butter from countdown, bring it to a light simmer and add a handful of crushed leaves. I thought it wasn't going to work at first but 4 hours in I was so high I couldn't handle it
  7. P

    NZ 2014/15 Outdoor Questions & Your Journals :)

    made cannabutter with 7 grams of dried male fan leaf, got me high as fuck
  8. P

    NZ 2014/15 Outdoor Questions & Your Journals :)

    Those are some really nice looking plants man, feels amazing to see the fruits of labour! a few questions: how much did the seeds cost? would the strain do well in auckland climate? where do u get "potash"? does the plant have to be started from clone to get to a big size or is starting from...
  9. P

    NZ 2014/15 Outdoor Questions & Your Journals :)

    a 1 foot tall plant in auckland has started flowering with a few white hairs, how big can it get before it becomes too cold?
  10. P

    NZ 2014/15 Outdoor Questions & Your Journals :)

    lookn good guys
  11. P

    NZ 2014/15 Outdoor Questions & Your Journals :)

    was there a huge wind gust around new years? huge 3ft bush got tiltied, either the wind or someone tried to pull it out does anyone have preflowers yet?
  12. P

    NZ 2014/15 Outdoor Questions & Your Journals :)

    is it an auto?
  13. P

    NZ 2014/15 Outdoor Questions & Your Journals :)

    high chance that its a hermie, since u got it from a bagseed which suggests that it was probably pollinated by another hermie, hermie seeds produce hermie plants
  14. P

    NZ 2014/15 Outdoor Questions & Your Journals :)

    its called 'supercropping' i think, there was a thread where this guy did an experiment on it and it didn't seem to produce any different results
  15. P

    NZ 2014/15 Outdoor Questions & Your Journals :)

    is topping necessary outdoors? if so, when should it be done?
  16. P

    NZ 2014/15 Outdoor Questions & Your Journals :)

    the outer skin of the stem on the bottom section of a 10cm seedling has been completely torn off, will the plant recover, and what caused it? slugs?
  17. P

    NZ 2014/15 Outdoor Questions & Your Journals :)

    The wind is really starting to piss me off
  18. P

    NZ 2014/15 Outdoor Questions & Your Journals :)

    Nice plants man, when did you start them? How tall is it?
  19. P

    How fast should plants grow outdoors?

    Assuming good conditions, I'm assuming around 0.5 inches taller everyday?
  20. P

    NZ 2014/15 Outdoor Questions & Your Journals :)

    Last year a northern lights female in a 10litre bucket which grew about 60cm tall, the seeds were fresh from amsterdam The northern lights plant accidentally got pollinated by a really skimpy male sativa plant in a 5 litre pot (tiny I know), which was about 80cm tall with one thin branch and...