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  1. ArCaned

    What are the potential problems with Aero?

    I'm going to be starting a new grow in the next few months and am trying to decide which system to use. it seems DWC and Aero are pretty similar, just different methods of oxygenation... does this mean that Aero gardeners need to make that microbiotic tea to create a healthy rootzone as DWC...
  2. ArCaned

    I hate slugs.

    Last month i planted out 40+ seedlings in a local forest. Excellent site, 8+ hours direct sunlight, not used by people etc. Spent a backbreaking day digging the field and getting all the chickenwire fencing in place. I went back today to find that EVERY LAST PLANT has been eaten by slugs. Can...
  3. ArCaned

    Busted - time to cry :(

    Parents found my grow cupboard. Weak. Went from this... to this... So now I got no weed, no plants and i gotta move out in a month. Balls.
  4. ArCaned

    Another "how long until harvest?" thread!

    Now before people start posting "read the guides" or "just watch the trichromes (trycombs :D)" I have read all the guides in this forum (and other forums) and i'm fairly confident that I know what i'm doing. But still i'd love any feedback from more experienced growers, a second opinion can't...
  5. ArCaned

    My first attempt at growing!

    Hi all! Feel free to post in this thread with any comments, suggestions or constructive criticisim. I am still very new to this topic and i'm sure can learn a lot from the veterans here! I've wanted to start growing for some time, so when I found 3 seeds in some fairly decent skunk I decided...