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  1. W

    Light to Close or Nute Issue?

    This is only week 6 of Flower. I vegged for 5 weeks (3 weeks too long with OG) reason she stretched so much.... But Yes I will be flushing with Final Phase. Is there anything in particular I should do with the burned leaves? Thanks
  2. W

    Light to Close or Nute Issue?

    I hate to ask this (as I think I know what happened,) but I want to rule out that this may be a nute or PH issue. (This is an OG Kush #18 strain and it stretched like no other, getting really close to the light last week. That is what I believe happened.) Here are some pix:
  3. W

    Yellow/Brown Curling Tips Issue

    Thanks Cruzer. You don't think it was keeping the drip rings on constantly? I have read so many different views on how long to keep the drip rings on, so I am just trying to figure out what kind of schedule to keep them on. In the get go, I had them on for only 30min a cycle 3 times a day...
  4. W

    Yellow/Brown Curling Tips Issue

    First off I have done my research but cant find an definitive answer to my issue. I am thinking it's over watering and not a nute def. I have been around but just started posting. This is my first go around with hydro so I am still learning. But I have had numerous soil grows. I would like...
  5. W

    Cabinet or "Grow Area" which is best?

    I have the same thoughts. I am going strictly for yield. I was thinking of a SCROG for maximum yield, unless I am mistaken?
  6. W

    Cabinet or "Grow Area" which is best?

    First off I will say it's been a few years since my last "project" so I am trying to get some knowledgeable feedback. I have two different routes that I am looking at; I have an enclosed trailer that I will be using. What is better? 1.) Building a grow cabinet (placed inside trailer) so I can...