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  1. D


    My leaves actually did curl because of the mites, they thread the tips of the leaf together with silk to make a sort of spider mite car port. "Spider Port"= added protection from the sun
  2. D


    Could be spider mites. Look under the leaves for tiny black/brown dots. The same thing happened to me on a few different occasions. FIX 1. Pull those tiny leaves and get rid of them. 2. Spray bottle plus just "one" drop of dish soap. 3. Lightly mist the affected area. Making sure to get the...
  3. D

    Killed the bugs, maybe the plants too :(

    Next time use a spray bottle and "1" yes 1 drop of dish soap, mist the plant & do this when your lights or the sun is going down. I've killed spider mites this way and kept them away. Make sure you tell your friend he is a giant deuchebag !!! Alcohol ? WTF!!!
  4. D

    What The Fuck Is This?

    Thanks for all the help guys !!!!!!! She's just about ready, for the past month baby spiders have been flying out of the "leaf cocoon"
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    What The Fuck Is This?

    I know it's not a threat, I've seen them for months now, & there has been no consumption of my plant. 1 drop of dish soap in a spray bottle has kept my plant safe!!!
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    What The Fuck Is This?

    Just currious about what they were. Thanks though.
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    How long til Harvest? *PICS* 1st grow

    Fuggin nice man !!!! What did you use? Mine is looking good "for a poor mans grow" but yours looks great, what did you use "lights, time, nutes"?
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    What The Fuck Is This?

    I've been doing an indoor outdoor combo for my first grow. Since I have kept "BETH" outside for these last 6 weeks, I've noticed some of the most exotic bugs chillin on the plant. Here is a picture of one of them I have never seen before. Any idea what it is and have you ever seen them on yours...
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    Killer Tobacco Pipes Pyrex 4 Sale *NEW POST*

    I got a killer deal on some pieces, and I am passing the deal, on to you, the cheapest prices on *PYREX* tobacco pipes "EVER" "AFTER YOU CLICK ON THE LINK GET RID OF "BONGSMILE" IN THE ADDRESS BAR TO VIEW" *DISCLAIMER* Just remember these are being sold...
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    Killer Tobacco Pipes Pyrex 4 Sale

    I got a killer deal on some pieces, and I am passing the deal, on to you, the cheapest prices on *PYREX* tobacco pipes "EVER" Cheap and free shipping !!!!!!!!! *DISCLAIMER* Just remember these are being sold as tobacco/flavored...
  11. D

    Purple stock and red stems.

    Oh,,,,,,,,,, Another thing, I never see people talk about the dangers to a plant from the oil on our hands. I really believe that is at least 33 percent of the problems people have with their grows. "Pot is like a kettle of water. It won't boil if your watching it".
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    Purple stock and red stems.

    I live in MN and it has been a colder year thus far, my leaves droop at night under my CFL and then I put her out in the sun for the day and when I get home it looks like a different plant. Think nothing of it. I did not have time to read the whole post but I saw someone claim you need to water...
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    Send me some Datura and I will write about the experience. "I'll try anything once, other then gay shit", just not for me.
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    No one should be knocking K, drugs are all about the experience and what you can get out of it. K is an awesome fuggin trip. First time I did it I was at a new friends house whos wife was a vet. We dumped it out let evaporation take place, and did a small rail. I sat outside in the courtyard of...
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    Supposed Place to Buy 2C-I & 2C-E

    I saw the American Head Charge DVD and Mr. Cock is on 2CI walking around a parking lot with a gimp on a leash. PLEASE someone hook me up with info on how to get it.
  16. D

    Lookin' for a good experience=)

    I agree with JOLLY, I started with "sid" and then shrooms. For "me" I could drop a shitload of sid and still "barelly" keep it together, shrooms is a totally different ball park! "dang morning glory seeds make me use quotes alot" Anyway sid is more of a "I know I'm on it and what is going on"...
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    I might have the drug way off, "totally fugged up on morning glories right now" If I remember right, The "positive" active ingredient is DMT, sorry for the spell "DymethylHydroTryptamine". Either way whatever the phuck is in cough meds is good fuggin stuff. Look into the "bag" method for...
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    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    In Minnesota you can get killer nugs for$190 an ounce! I know , sounds like BS but it's true. "Everybody move to Canada, smoke lotsaPOT everybody move to Canada right now, here's how we do it, bum rush the border guard before he and his dog ever knew it," "Streets on fire the mob goes wild wild...
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    Shaman Herbs?

    For the best salvia trip video on the planet, go to youtube and search "horrible salvia trip" without the quotes. My girlfriend and I laughed our asses off for like 15 minutes.
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    Are shrooms really like this?!

    Some of you guys must have had some pretty shitty shrooms. Last time I did them I only ate 2 grams and I was completely fugged up. I was walking down a bike path at night by myself and I looked to the right and I saw me. So I walked back to the car with myself. When I got home I set on the...