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  1. spiritmedicine

    TMLAPY 2500?

    Phlizon 3000 was cob also.
  2. spiritmedicine

    TMLAPY 2500?

    Anybody use these lights? I was sent one by mistake, a brand new TMLAPY 2500W cob led, but I had ordered a used Phlizon 3000w instead. Should I send it back, or is it worth keeping?The price points are about the same, but I had read that Phlizon are good for the price. Thanks for any advice!
  3. spiritmedicine

    Reveg? Or something else

    Any ideas what the stress might be? Like I said, two other strains are growing right beside them and are doing fine. Temps are good, using Remo nutes as per instructions. PH is between 5.8 and 6.5. Only thing with the soil is that it may be reused sunshine mix, I let it sit outside for a...
  4. spiritmedicine

    Reveg? Or something else

    Other thing is that they are producing the odd seed, though I don't see any sign of male flowers or bananas at all...
  5. spiritmedicine

    Reveg? Or something else

    Hey guys, so this is weird, strain is Northern Berry, and it looks like it wants to reveg halfway through flower and won't ripen properly. Other strains in the same room are fine, developing perfectly, and I've had a good crop previously with this strain, but last two have been screwy. Room is...
  6. spiritmedicine

    any experience with

    I know them personally, they are legit and super nice and cool people. All organic, good vibes.
  7. spiritmedicine

    Market it going down fast

    I've really honed in on the 1:1 ratio recently, as the CBD balances some of the strong effects of the THC, and really interesting you say that the THC is needed to activate the CBD. CBD has antipsychotic and anti-anxiety effects which can be brought on by THC, so yeah I think it's the future...
  8. spiritmedicine

    MMAR and other legalities

    OK cool, I didn't bring up the license, though I always carry it, just because I knew I had nothing with me and didn't want to open up any cans of worms. Any ideas on how long will the MMAR will go on for? Are they planning to cancel them once the new regs come in?
  9. spiritmedicine

    MMAR and other legalities

    So I had a run in with the cops the other day and got me a little nervous about things, so thought I would check in here. Maybe I am totally out of the loop and can't find any recent news, but are MMAR grandfathered licenses still valid? (sorry if this has been covered 1000 times...) I was...
  10. spiritmedicine

    Switching from synthetic to organic during flower

    I am wondering about switching from synthetic to organic nutes halfway through flower, in order to create an "organic" product. Theory being that the synthetic ferts would be used up and assimilated early and given the last month or so of flower would be organic, would there be any detectable...
  11. spiritmedicine

    Yield Lab reviews?

    Hey, so I am replacing 3 Quantum 1000w digital ballasts and found a good deal on these Yield Lab 1000w, that seem very similar. Anybody have any experience with this brand? Have read a few mixed reviews, but not a lot out there. Mostly that they crapped out before too long, but with 3 year...
  12. spiritmedicine

    Yield lab reviews??

    Hey, so I am replacing 3 Quantum 1000w digital ballasts and found a good deal on these Yield Lab 1000w, that seem very similar. Anybody have any experience with this brand? Have read a few mixed reviews, but not a lot out there. Mostly that they crapped out before too long, but with 3 year...
  13. spiritmedicine

    CBD God (BC Bud Depot)

    Cool, thanks for the replies. I had a couple of Delta-9 strains that were super prone to bananas, I def do not want to go through that again. Still have seeds sprouting up here and there. And yeah, variation in any strain, but particularly CBD ones, what with two cannabinoids to track and all.
  14. spiritmedicine

    CBD God (BC Bud Depot)

    Update: After reading very mixed reviews of BC Bud Depot I am pretty reluctant to order this strain. Sounds like a lot of people don't get their orders from this company. Good genetics but poor delivery rate. There are lots of discussions about this company already, but any tips in this regard...
  15. spiritmedicine

    CBD God (BC Bud Depot)

    Anybody have experience with this strain? It's meant to be high CBD, but sounds highly variable in that seeds will produce ratios between 4:1 and 1:4 CBD/THC. Wondering if it a complete crap shoot as to what you get, or if there is a general range you can expect. I'm kind of looking for a 1:1...
  16. spiritmedicine

    Washing dried buds?

    So I'm trying this out. Soaking for 5 min or so in dilute H2O2 solution, spraying with lukewarm kitchen sink sprayer, then quick initial dry to get rid of excess water. Here's a bud before and after, I'll light it up later and let you know how it goes. :) Maybe it'll taste like crap, or...
  17. spiritmedicine

    Washing dried buds?

    I guess another good question is if there is a good cheap way to test for mold at home?
  18. spiritmedicine

    Washing dried buds?

    This one was particularly bad and was discarded. Lots of them you can't see anything on. Some of it actually looks grey on this one. And again, only really visible on the leaves, which are trimmed off. Buds don't actually have anything visible on them. Sorry for the crap photos, using my...
  19. spiritmedicine

    Washing dried buds?

    It's white powdery mildew, but also have a different type that is mostly on the leaves as far as I can tell, that is stalked with white balls on the end that stand up from the leaves. Any idea what this is?
  20. spiritmedicine

    Washing dried buds?

    Hey so I had a powdery mildew issue on my last batch, and I trimmed up and dried about half of it before I learned about washing the buds with H2O2 and lukewarm spray (a la Jorge Cervantes). I trimmed them pretty close to try to make sure there was little to no PM left (was mostly on leaves...