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  1. 4

    How long in a jiffy pellet before the roots will come out?

    Whats temps should i be keeping this seedling in for the first week? I have a few options in the house in the grow room, which is Air Conditioned and the temp is 77f /25c with RH about 45% in the "hot room" which is about 85f/29c with RH about 65% in another room which is ~80f/28c with RH...
  2. 4

    Seedling Lighting Help

    Hi Everyone I have a seeding, it is in a jiffy pellet. She showed her head this morning. I have a couple of 14W LED lights from China, it is made up of 225 x assorted Red and Blue LED's (old fashioned LEDs that look like little nipples). They are clearly not powerful enough for growing a...
  3. 4

    How long in a jiffy pellet before the roots will come out?

    I know this will vary from plant to plant, strain to strain, but i am looking for an approximation, not a clairvoyant. I have a seed that was in water till it cracked, then into a jiffy pellet and now it's got it's head up. About how long before a plant will start to show its roots out the...
  4. 4

    1 giant tub of water for 3-4 ladies, is it ok? DWC Newbie needs help

    Again i am quite new at DWC, so please if i am wrong at all, chime in and let me know. As i understand it with DWC you are meant to change the water and clean the bucket/tub once a [insert time period here], depending on your climate/inclination to do it. Weekly/Bi-Weekly/Monthly opinions vary...
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    1 giant tub of water for 3-4 ladies, is it ok? DWC Newbie needs help

    Cheers, 1/2" ply it is then. Reflectix radiant barrier, good tip thanks.
  6. 4

    1 giant tub of water for 3-4 ladies, is it ok? DWC Newbie needs help

    I was clinging onto the idea of using Styrofoam, because it offers some degree of insulation. The problem with that idea has always been if it will be rigid enough, and i had overlooked the weight of the plants! DOH! Nick88 has a great idea, cheap and easy and readily available. I will probably...
  7. 4

    1 giant tub of water for 3-4 ladies, is it ok? DWC Newbie needs help

    Yes i can do same strain/age, and i had not considered if this was an issue. Food for thought certainly, but as you say, probably doesn't matter too much. Unless maybe one strain had an uncontrollable desire to take up 60G of root area (i have seen some root porn, but never 60G root porn). I...
  8. 4

    1 giant tub of water for 3-4 ladies, is it ok? DWC Newbie needs help

    I am going to take a stab in the dark here and say that you must have been as stoned as hell when you wrote this, because either you are answering another thread, in the wrong thread.... or you simply did not read my post to begin with. While i appreciate your input, it makes no sense at all...
  9. 4

    1 giant tub of water for 3-4 ladies, is it ok? DWC Newbie needs help

    So i want to give DWC a go. I have a giant black plastic tub, it is normally meant for mixing cement with a shovel. It is 42" x 30" and 12" deep. Using a fish-tank volume calculator i get about 65 gallons capacity, this is not perfectly square (rounded ends) and i would not fill it to the...
  10. 4

    CO2 - I'm confused

    Do not forget to sell the LP burners on eBay 1 by 1, people expanding their current setup can help you pay for the transition to NG. Or seeing as you are in Cali, stick them on Craigslist, very little chance that you will not find a buyer in CA.
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    CO2 - I'm confused

    Your on a WIN here in this thread, i bet you're glad you stopped in! I am going for bottled CO2 myself i think, i don't want even more heat in a country that is never cool.
  12. 4

    Best &/or Worst Propane CO2 Burners on the market?

    Yes i seen that thread, this solution is in no way appropriate for my setup. I am going to go with bottled CO2 instead. Thanks for your input.
  13. 4

    Which Strain? Need Auto for outdoors in High Heat / High Humidity

    Hello I live near the equator. My climate is tropical, high heat (84-90 day time, about 77-80 at night) and high humidity also. I am hoping (or maybe i am just dreaming) that someone can recommend a strain that will tolerate these conditions for OUTDOOR growing. I do not care much what kind...
  14. 4

    CO2 - I'm confused

    Firstly thank you so much for the maths, such a huge help. I should clarify My temps without A/C are 85-90, with RH getting to probably 70-75% if i left the A/C off permanently. I am running the A/C 24/7, it is keeping my temps very easily at 75-80, with RH at about 50%, i can drive the...
  15. 4

    CO2 - I'm confused

    First grow in 20 years, last one was butchered by too many people and opinions, no actual knowledge and the internet was infant like at that time. It was done under 600W MH only. Full hydro setup inside a wardrobe properly kitted for a grow. Not in Cali, but i have a shipping agent in LA. I...
  16. 4

    CO2 - I'm confused

    I am considering adding CO2 to my grow. First i was reading that all plants need CO2 while the light are on, and so i assumed i would get into CO2 ASAP. Then i read some other threads that referenced using it only after 3 weeks of flowering... So i am now confused about when to be using CO2...
  17. 4

    Air-Conditioner, what RH level will it provide?

    Well i purchased 2 cheap digital temp/humidity monitors, and my room can maintain an easy 40-55% by running the A/C 24/7. Looks like, for now at least, i do not need a dehuey.
  18. 4

    Thinking of adding some Worms in Soil?

    I am not in the USA, so i can not easily buy bags of something like Black Gold or Fox Farm soil. I must make my soil as good as possible by adding some things to it. I found somewhere here local that can sell me 1kg of live composting worms Eudrilus Eugeniae (common name: African...
  19. 4

    Growing Edible Mushrooms for CO2 in same room

    Certainly noteworthy. I intend to blow the CO2 up and across the room with a little fan on the floor under the mushrooms.