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  1. C

    Just got robbed at gun point...

    Not too long ago, i got jacced for $500 on a half elbow. It was someone i thought was a friend so I sent him with the money and well, he never showed bacc up. So after a few days of him puttin me off and eventually tellin me 'Your gonna die today' after i told him i knew what really happened...
  2. C

    My First C.C.S.S. Grow (Computer CFL Small Stealth) Grow

    looks great, my only suggestions would be to take out the tin foil and replace it with white computer paper. Actually I think u said it was emergency blanket, so that maybe just fine. But I'm told tin foil causes hot spots. I've always just used plain white computer paper and you'd be surprised...
  3. C

    1st Tub CFL Grow w/ bagseed

    yeah, dude, looks awesome! I'm bout 3 weeks into mine so hopefully turns out as good as yours!
  4. C

    planning 2nd grow, super super stealthy

    lol, surely you can grow a quarter sack a plant.
  5. C

    First time grower cant get seeds to sprout!

    Thats what i meant by "mixing the soil after putting some water in there" it makes it very airy and will make it wet through out but not too wet. I also leave them outside till them get a few leaves on them before i bring them inside otherwise i always kill them some how. But dont put them in...
  6. C

    First time grower cant get seeds to sprout!

    I was having a lot of trouble at first too. I'm still new to but this is the first and most frustrating (for me) part. B/c all my friends are just like "jsut put them in the dirt, worked for me" well you can do this and put them outside, but when i did this with three seeds only one sprouted...
  7. C

    First Grow! Which CFLs do i need? Bright white, soft white, daylight, etc?

    Ok, now that she is a little older and over the shock of being transplanted i've gone back to (3) 26w Daylight and (1) 26w General Purpose (soft white) and seems to being doing really well. Just the right Kelvin temp mix seems like to get that fast growth i'm looking for. How long should I...
  8. C

    First Grow! Which CFLs do i need? Bright white, soft white, daylight, etc?

    ok, i've been experimenting with my bulbs a little the last few days and here's what i've done. I got a little girl that Is about 6 inches tall that i transplanted from my flower bed (i randomly throw reject/loose seeds in there just in case, lol) and she had a few bad leaves i removed and...
  9. C

    First Grow! Which CFLs do i need? Bright white, soft white, daylight, etc?

    Ok, i think i got it figured out. I know which bulbs are the 'blue' bulbs bc they say daylight on the package and even 6500k on the ones at wal mart (just got back from there). But i'm still confused on the "bright white" and "soft white" and ppl on here are talking about "warm white". Which...
  10. C

    First Grow! Which CFLs do i need? Bright white, soft white, daylight, etc?

    OK? what kind of mix should i look for? I already have fans and a on/off auto timer. Just trying to decide on the bulbs. Also, should i change the mix when i get ready to flower? i know these are basic questions, but i have no clue! lol. THANKS GUYS, KEEP IT COMING!
  11. C

    1st Timer's question.

    yeah, what does the banana do? I'm also new so it may be a dumb question. Also, I think i know why Otishia was so stretched at first. I think I read In High Times magazine that "normal" light bulbs supply a spectrum that really only mostly helps with stem growth and i think i remember them...
  12. C

    First Grow! Which CFLs do i need? Bright white, soft white, daylight, etc?

    oh, i also forgot. I found some bare sockets but couldnt seem to find the splitters I see ppl using on here, shoud i stick with the aluminum reflector drop light type that i have now and just get a few more of them or disassemble some lamps or what?
  13. C

    First Grow! Which CFLs do i need? Bright white, soft white, daylight, etc?

    Hello, I'm starting my first indoor grow with bagseed. I have a sprout that just busted the soil, was maybe 1/2 inch tall this morning. I let it sprout outside (b/c after a few days inside seemed like the cfl wasnt getting the job done). Last night i checked it and seen a little green starting...