Search results

  1. B

    30 or 10 autos in 8x4x4 room

    Hey, so me and a friend are doing a grow, the area we have is 8x4x4, that's a floor plan of 8x4 with the highest point being 4ft, the roof slopes following the actual roof, the sides stand at 2ft tall. The inside is painted flat white, there is 4" intake and 4" extraction, the 600w light is hung...
  2. B

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey! New to the site, have been reading through loads of post got cab built, received fans today :D looking to sow with in the month! No idea what yet though. Any suggestions for a strain that's quite resilient? bondutch
  3. B

    double diesel ryder from attitude/SAGARMATHA

    Interested to see how they will do, am looking to get some my self for 400w hps closet set up.