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  1. Jonnie Iirish

    Too Much Water

    yep yep! start with 1 hour at first then slowly give them more light.....
  2. Jonnie Iirish

    what kind of soil is best?

    Dupe down nutes alittle has more than normal! 80%
  3. Jonnie Iirish

    uk-where can i get foxfarm ocean forest soil?

    Just checked they do not ship to Uk Try ebay sounds funny but might work..
  4. Jonnie Iirish

    question about flowering

    under a 1000 watt mh 24 hrs light 2 weeks
  5. Jonnie Iirish

    my first grow

    Room layout looks great! keep it up and find ways to make it betterdont ever stop!
  6. Jonnie Iirish

    my first grow

    your doing fine! Dont give yourself a heartattack over it though. The only thing that will help you out is saying to yourself "Screw the man just do it" and have fun with it Ive been exactly where you are right now! Wait until outdoor you will find what anxiety really is! If you need anything...
  7. Jonnie Iirish

    Trainwreck? Where did it come from? Strains?

    Anywhere on the west coast, Dispenseries or growers. I dont deal with seed banks so I dont know exactly where to find it on the internet.
  8. Jonnie Iirish

    rookie looking for a little advice about sexing

    Bring it down to about 15 hours of light and they will show thier sex.. dont go below 15 hours light it will bud on ya. Once you know whats what adjust the lite back to where you need it.
  9. Jonnie Iirish

    male in with female and a i don't know what

    If its hermie gonna have to pull that one too Sorry! Or just keep it away from the females. You can smoke it but not advisable. Never tried to hash it out either but thats not advisable either. Up to you!
  10. Jonnie Iirish

    good hash strains?

    Dont mix them if they your giving it to the dispenseries. Seperate them by strains and if your really serious seperate them grades of hash.
  11. Jonnie Iirish

    newbie here. plant trouble plz help

    If it is thrips try spraying some neem oil on both sides of the leaves and do it again a week later should clear it up if it is!
  12. Jonnie Iirish

    male or female?

    Could be a hermie watch out keep real close eye on it! Beautiful plant tho!
  13. Jonnie Iirish

    Trainwreck? Where did it come from? Strains?

    Havent tried black domina it has won awards tho but Trainwreck is the most sought after strain in the country give it a couple of years it will be the one of the most sought after strains in the world. West coast does it again!
  14. Jonnie Iirish

    what kind of soil is best?

    Use it as a medium ( base) throw in some coco and perlite and PRESTO! Its PH buffered so you dont have to worry about acidity or alkaline levels. Coco is buffered too. Its the only live soil out there and is alive with beneficial microbes and fungi that help break down organic matter and feed...
  15. Jonnie Iirish

    whats wrong w/pics

    It will take 2 to 4 weeks to come out of flowering be patient!
  16. Jonnie Iirish

    whats wrong w/pics

    Overwatering and if your using nutes your over nuting them.
  17. Jonnie Iirish

    newbie here. plant trouble plz help

    Flush the plant with water no nutes. give it a couple of days, if it gets better its nute burn or salt build up. if it doesnt work Get a ph meter and check the soil. Have never seen nute burn that runs in a line could be infested? if that doesnt work let me know and well go from there..............
  18. Jonnie Iirish

    When will it stop?

    Beautiful plant by the way for a 1st grow! WOW!