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  1. jinmaster

    Have you ever smoked weed that does this? :O

    Its a unknown but horrible phenomenon. :( Getting big buddah cheese friday though ;)
  2. jinmaster

    Have you ever smoked weed that does this? :O

    Across the country people are finding this, Englands always dry at this time of year anyways.
  3. jinmaster

    Dealers Cup ROOR Bong. Can't Wait!

    You must be rich as fuck to afford that, wish i had that kinda money. :/
  4. jinmaster

    Having a BBQ @ my house tonight, help me make it awesome!

    Chicken, blunts and reggae.
  5. jinmaster

    best fluid to aid, toking?

    Powerade, a wonder drink. :peace:
  6. jinmaster

    what trips you out?

    Im glad I can watch from a distance ahaha.:lol: Animals and people trip me out the most id say. :peace:
  7. jinmaster

    You WISh your mom was this cool...

    Wow your a disgrace to your age group buddy. :hump:
  8. jinmaster

    The Worst Weed You've Ever Had

    Lol 11 fat joints? 20 sack, 167 seeds? SO MUCH FUCKING BS ARGH.
  9. jinmaster

    Ever get your ass kicked? (or kicked ass)

    The funny thing is, I know americans who are just embarrased by the patriotic side of america. It basically rolls like this. Im gone but have fun! :hump:
  10. jinmaster

    Ever get your ass kicked? (or kicked ass)

    Im still going to say your point fails you on the many thousands of deaths to the meager hundreds in the UK. Learn all the facts or gtfo.
  11. jinmaster

    Ever get your ass kicked? (or kicked ass)

    lolwat? dont try and say your country is anything better due to that any random fuckwit can pick up a gun and walk around with it cause you know and i know it isnt right. The only problem the UK has with weapons is knife crimes, and i wonder whats more deadly? :roll:
  12. jinmaster

    Ever get your ass kicked? (or kicked ass)

    This is why america is fucked to shit. Silly guns :mrgreen:
  13. jinmaster

    Where would you go if you had a time machine?

    Back to Sept 08, I fucked up my college course so bad :(. :peace:
  14. jinmaster

    outdoor with lights???? 1000w + sun would it work?

    Im sorry to be a buzzkill, but you are actually weedtarded. :mrgreen:
  15. jinmaster


    500 posts and you have yet to find the music forum?
  16. jinmaster

    You guys made me do it.

    I think only the disabled should use a roller, get some skills! :hump:
  17. jinmaster

    carpit weed

    When times get bad im surfing my carpet.
  18. jinmaster

    Your input on a whole Family puffing.

    I smoke up with my brother but my parents arnt into it at all.
  19. jinmaster

    Your Stoner Lingo

    You sound real familiar to someone i know irl... were you from man? For me it depends on the people im hanging with, its either joint or doobie, normally called a 8th a henry if were being discreet.
  20. jinmaster

    oh ive had a bad night :[

    Sort out your fucking spacebar ARGHH. I feel for you man ive had to give up a dog and it isnt fun.