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  1. N

    TGA By Others

    Hi, How about the flavour? Taste? And odor? Thanks!
  2. N

    TGA By Others

    Yess! It's one of my choices ;) Thanks! Sure, I was thinking as well in Ripped Bubba... What U think about Chernobyl? Thay say that's "tremendous outdoors"! I think it's gonna be potent, but maybe a sativa effect... Not narcotic?? Want a realxing one! Thanks!
  3. N

    TGA By Others

    Hi guys! I'm wondering which strain I would grow outdoors this year and I would like an molstly indica one (for the stone and relaxing effect). I want it very strong. My preference right know is Qrazy Train because TGA says that's good outdoor. Do you have any other good choice for me? Hope...