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  1. M

    COCO PEEPS! the best coco nutrient range? any secret recipes?

    Im talking about PGR's, Rock super grow etc. I have used Canna, although not H&G. I have also used AN and Dutch Master. With the same set up (lights, coco etc) there was no difference in yield between the different grows. Thats what I am pointing out. If their was a noticeable difference in...
  2. M

    COCO PEEPS! the best coco nutrient range? any secret recipes?

    So I can only gather that you have used all these and have confirmed this? Or are you just saying out aloud what you think should be the case? Very few people I know use H&G, some use Canna, and the majority use DM. The people using Canna get no better results that those using DM. And if you had...
  3. M

    Want to compare to other Aussies

    I would like to see what other Aussies use for the Hydro set up and feed. Here's mine for instance. I use 50lt pots with coco Grow : Dutch Master Advance A&B (Also have used AN) Fulvic Acid AU60 Also Rock Super Grow in week 3. (This stuff is crazy) Flower : Dutch Master Advance A&B (Also...
  4. M

    COCO PEEPS! the best coco nutrient range? any secret recipes?

    Advanced, Canna, House and Garden, Dutch Master are all pretty much on par. I know people who use them all on a rotation basis and they cant see a difference, other than price. Canna and HG are twice the price of Advanced or Dutch here.
  5. M

    HUGE indoor JACK HERER plants...8ft tall with pics

    Its a two part addative. Part A is added in the first week of flower and this stops the stretch. The part B is added in the second week of flower and this brings on the flower alot quicker. Similar to a PGR, but not quite.
  6. M

    HUGE indoor JACK HERER plants...8ft tall with pics

    Hey great grow's Blaze. I gather your an Aussie, judging by the power points, the same balasts I have, the clipsal safety switch, and the high yield from low numbers of plants ;) Have you guys tried the "Cyco Flower A&B" Addative? Its a two part process and really does change your grow.
  7. M

    Australian leading the way. I agree theres more than one way to skin a cat, however I found that most people just could not believe even 1lb was possible...
  8. M

    Australian leading the way.

    I was posting on this forum last year talking about our indoor grows here in Oz. I pointed out that everyone I know gets over 1lb per plant dried and most people aim for 3lbs per indoor plant. I was called a liar basically with lots of cries of "thats impossible" and then the "yeah right dude...
  9. M

    Best nutrients to use?

    Theres not too much between the top range nuts nowdays. If you use Advanced Nuts Sensi, Cana, Dutch Master, House and Garden etc then you should be pretty happy. Im happy with Dutch Master, its cheaper than Cana and H&G, yet gives similar results.
  10. M

    How much do you harvest from each plant?

    3lbs per plant is doable. But like you said above, it takes alot of resources. You need things like 90 litre pots, massive lighting and ventilation, use of the best nutes and addatives and the proper veg time all rolled up in a Scrog grow. These guys will put 1800 W over each plant. Lighting is...
  11. M

    How much do you harvest from each plant?

    Well, the whole idea and benefit of growin outdoors is so you get a long veg time. I know of guys who grow outdoors, using scrog methods and hydro additives and they get easy 4lbs dried. Hell, peeps I know get 3lbs off of indoor hydros.
  12. M

    Vinegar ok to drop PH with?

    Rather than Vinegar, you can use Acetic Acid which is refined Vinegar. Acetic Acid has the benefit of being organic, rather than in-organic like Hydrochloric Acid. This means that it will not to the conductivity of your nute mix.
  13. M

    Maximising Yield

    Just because no-one here can run the 100 Meters under 10 seconds doesnt mean there wont be a few guys at these Olympics that wont be. But hey, if your not good enough then no-one is.....yeah.You absolutly couldnt get 3 lbs off a plant that has veged for 4 weeks. But if you read my post you would...
  14. M

    Maximising Yield

    Gees theres alot of peeps here who know jack shit about growing. Just because you cannot achieve more than a few ounces per plant doesnt mean that people with far more knowedge and ability than you cant achieve more.You can absolutley get 3 lbs off of one plant if you know what you are doing...
  15. M

    So whats up with all the low yield folks here?

    Ok, I ask this with respect. What is going on with all the low yield grows here? I mean, we have one post of a guy saying he got 15 lbs off of 12 plants and then alot of posts calling bullshit on someone getting these numbers. Around our way 1 lb off one plant is average. Hell, my mate did a 7...
  16. M

    4.5 week Flower Pics

    Not sure of the strain. It was clones from some nice plants that were kicking around here. Looks mostly Indica. However this grow was done using the new Cyco Flower A&B additives. It brings on the flowering process straight away and gives really hard heavy buds. Anyone else tried it?
  17. M

    4.5 week Flower Pics

    Yeah, its using HPS. So how do you think they look for 4.5 weeks of flower?
  18. M

    4.5 week Flower Pics

    Here are some pics of my friends first grow. Pics are of buds at 4.5 weeks of flower. What do you think? Biggest buds are about 2 inches tall and an inch wide. Hard as rocks.He is using some of the newest hydro methords.
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    Busted 4 days after 420

    Man, you have got to much to learn. Firstly do you know what the deffinition of a terrorist is under the Patriot Act? Its "Anyone who breaks any state or federal law".And in regards to the Patriot Act been used in none terror related crimes, here you go...
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    Nastiest Thing Ever Happened During Sex

    Well I guess I could add to the conversation. Lets see....I was at a party and I had really been interested in this hot chick. Liked her for ages. We were in high school at the time. Anyhow, so I finally hook up with her and we go into a room. We start having sex doggy style and the lights were...