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  1. S

    Led grow, advice needed.

    yeah I tried that, 100 pages...couldn't find the info I was looking for, headache to churn through all the flames, bashing and other info, Was hoping for a more informative reply or link to a good example.
  2. S

    Led grow, advice needed.

    Yo! :) been a while since i was on here, Hope I'm posting this in the correct forum! Was wondering if anyone here has or is growing with the grow leds available on the market now? I usually grow with a 600w nuclear beam, for 1m square, Bio. I been checking results on forums in The...
  3. S

    Infrared Detection- getting busted

    Ender07 mr. judge and jury!
  4. S

    White Widow-10 Weeks Flower. Ready?

    In Holland we wait till 80% of the tricomes become brown/red, however if you have more then a few plants, you may want to experiment, they say if you cut the plant while most of the tricomes are white you will experience more of a high thc buzz, and if you wait for the 80% mark, you the get the...