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  1. S

    DIY PH Down from Sulfuric Acid. (Battery Acid)

    in high school, the crazy chem teacher (kinda hot) would always say..."do as you OTTA, and add ACID to WATA" and ever since I saw her thong, that phrase will forever stick in my head :D
  2. S

    Power Consumption / Light Cost

    Lol that's funny shit. Same here, except when I had a roomate I wasn't growing (security), but I was still cheap with the heat (im in the northern US, very cold here).
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    crushed seashells instead of perlite?

    I would definitely try this if I lived near a coastal area. It shouldn't hurt the plants. Not only would I wash the shells, but sanitize them with a very diluted bleach solution (something like 1 cup of bleech in a 5 gallon pail of water). It doesn't need to be much bleach to sanitize the shells.
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    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Hi I'm new here and I like this method so I'm giving it a try since yield is not the #1 goal here...I've grown a little indoors, but mostly outdoor monster plants. I have Northern Lights Special, Diesel Lowryder, and Sweet Dreams growing. After 2nd week the non-autos (NLS and Sweet Dreams) will...