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  1. P

    The Choice Seedbank- the new Attitude?

    I received an order from The Choice this past week that took under 2 weeks from time of order to in my hands. Does anyone know if they plan to have a big promo for April/420?
  2. P

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    still confused why yall are using coffee filters? You recommend 400 micron then use a 20 micron filter? Doesn't make sense. You are loosing a lot of the organisms and basically only getting the bacteria that way seems like a waste. Also I got no slime at all in my tea using myco EWC and...
  3. P

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    how much EWC are you using? I use some I got from a local shop and only use about a 1/4-1/2 cup with 1gal water.
  4. P

    Blue Diesel + Girl Scout Cookies

    thought GSC is clone only how are you getting seeds? Or is it just seeds from some cross or a seflpollination meaning its not the same as the clone GSC.
  5. P

    Having a def problem and need a little help

    Dont think those are his plants as he said "then they started looking like the pics I am posting" and he's using a water chiller so.
  6. P

    brown rust spotting on older leaves. Cal/mg def?

    So you use Lucas with GH micro/bloom and RO and still use calmag? I went and got some calmag and silica blast today cus I need to get this sorted out before I goto flower and have even bigger issues. Should I foliar feed them some cal/mag?
  7. P

    brown rust spotting on older leaves. Cal/mg def?

    I dont foliar feed but sometimes I drip water on them when im watering the hempy or just doing maintinace. If I add cal/mag and they dont need it could it become toxic? I'm ok with adding it and not needing it as long as it wont hurt them even worse. My PPM is around 1050 with RO water just...
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    brown rust spotting on older leaves. Cal/mg def?

    These plants are about a month old in RDWC 25 gal system. I'm using Lucas GH micro/bloom at 8/16 with RO water with nothing else but EWC tea. I've read where people say Lucas has enough cal/mg in it and you dont need to use anything else and I've seen people on some forums consider 6/9...
  9. P

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    the roots have no foul smell at all and are extremely earthy smelling. It certainly isn't "late stage" as you seem to think. The roots are all firm and white for the most part. I've read that GH micro will stain roots which I'm using so I think the color is more that than rot. They dont feel...
  10. P

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    A coffee filter is ok to use? It wont filter out the larger organisms? I filtered my tea thru a paint strain and it was still like poring in dirty ass water and I cant even see the bottom of my res now. I used EWC not AF since amazon was gonna take over a week just to ship it then still...