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  1. M


    Thanks. Yea that's what I thought, my dude told me a couple hours ago it looked like Sativa dominant. I've never grown one. And the person I got the seeds from wasn't sure what he gave me. She's growing great. I'm also wondering if I have to continue to bring her in at 7 pm and back out at 7am...
  2. M


    Any opinions on Indica Sativa dominance. I started force flowering her almost a month ago just to see how easy it'd be. So far so good.
  3. M

    Saw this in a public park. Is this worthless weed or good stuff?

    Don't steal it, but don't let it go to waste either. Be "low key" and take care of her. Give her what she needs. When the time comes and if someone else intentionally put it there, you both can benefit from it. Him for planting it and you for taking care of it. Keep in mind it's a public place...
  4. M

    outdoor plants

    I know how to check it with a magnifier and all that. From being inside will it finish late, later than mid October. I never expected it to produce any bud at all. Thanks.
  5. M

    outdoor plants

    Ok so them other plants are gone, the big one hermed the other one I sold lol. This bitch here grew in a fucking window her entire life, I put it outside 3 weeks ago. That's crazy, i almost forgot about it. Any guesses on how long she's got left. She's covered in crystals. . I'm sure the...
  6. M

    First time grow - changed from indoor to outdoor

    They look ok, do they get lots of direct sunlight and wind. I'm no expert but I think they're a little stretched but look fine. Once they start growing, they grow fast.
  7. M

    Flowering in June?

    Well close to the east coast.
  8. M

    Flowering in June?

    I'm on the east coast and mine are doing the same thing. Even my little experimental plant that lost all its leaves is flowering.Lol It has few leaves but pistols sprouting. Mine arnt autoflower either. The government may be doing it. Seriously they may be trying to eradicate cannabis.. All...
  9. M

    outdoor plants

    So the big one is a sativa, I'm in the midwest and the growing season isn't really all that long. Any ideas about this one. It's a female, it sprouted its pistols yesterday. Sorry bout the questions, I was given a mixture of seeds a while back.
  10. M

    outdoor plants

    Thank you sir, the seeds were given to me and he couldn't remember what they were.
  11. M

    outdoor plants

    Anyone have any ideas as to the type of cannabis this plant is. It grows like a sativa, fast and tall ,the leaves are fat like an indica. My other plants are short. Thanks