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  1. C

    to 12/12 or not to 12/12

    good call smppro thats what I was thinking as I was reading through here, I just hope your plants "shooting up" growth isnt stretching. what kind of lights are you using? and how close to the plant(s)?
  2. C

    Contest-Best noob grow!Indoor/outdoor

    so best outdoor? and best indoor? or just one victor and its a free for all between out and indoor. becuase if thats the case theres no way I can compete against the set ups :)
  3. C

    Contest-Best noob grow!Indoor/outdoor

    Well, I'm definitely a noob this is my first grow. These are Seed Grown from bagseed, Outside for about a month... Two plants not sexed yet, both plants are over 1ft tall Not really expecting to win, but figured I'd start off the thread and get some photo's going to maybe get some other...
  4. C

    Monkee's Grow - Stealth, From Seed 12/12, CFL

    Olivergroup, where did you find that image for your avatar? is it a poster? if so, I'm going to have to buy it but I cant seem to find that image at any of the online poster stores...
  5. C

    Increasing Veg what to do?

    sorry thought maybe I'd post and bump it, maybe get alittle bit of additional advice if anybody is willing :)
  6. C


    take the cheap way out and just buy some big chip bags... like some delicious dorito's the inside of those bags is a really good reflective alternative, especially if you have a small space
  7. C

    Increasing Veg what to do?

    damn, well that sucks... guess I dont really have an option do I... top both of em? the soil is good its just picked up debris from being outside... how deep should I burry em? how far back will it set up? any guesses
  8. C

    Increasing Veg what to do?

    Hey everyone, newbie hoping for some assistance.... So after spending a significant amount of time and trying to learn the ins and outs for most of these seemingly easier questions, I can see that my current grow which is 2 plants grown from seed, who have spend most of their life outside in...
  9. C

    Monkee's Grow - Stealth, From Seed 12/12, CFL

    okay guys, I had all intent of just watching happily and not posting since I'm so new, but I just read every single page on this thing in one sitting, I hope no one minds, but I'm going to at the very least pat myself on the back, and MM for a great journal thus so far. *pats self on back*
  10. C

    My crappy setup

    I think the tub thing is a pretty alright set up for sure, the heat is a real problem though, forgetting those waterbottles could make quick work on a good crop. I'm really new to the forum and the whole harvesting plants an all, and I'm only one my first real grow right now. but I've been a...
  11. C

    Newbie growing in Colorado

    hahaha, its soo sad... but i can imagine a young enthused grower on his way to work, with whats really on his mind on the way there... just sitting on top of his car :) I have the most ironic stoner image cooked in my mind right now... haha really am sorry though, but its okay. you'll come...
  12. C

    "Topping" your plant

    wow, thats awesome. how come I had never heard of that before? do you replant the top as a cutting? or do you just use topping as a way to bush the plant out and get more veg growth? my seed growns are about two feet tall and seem kind of stretched this seems like the perfect thing for them...
  13. C

    N00b Help Please?

    great thanks, I just know that I'll eventually have to bring them in. at least within the next month. trying to match their outside light their used to with flouro's will be a challenge... as far as the bigger pots... those are pretty large big would one expect to have to go ?
  14. C

    The smart way to order online

    dont mean to jack this thread, but it seems ridiculous to worry about the PH meter and lighting, but what about actually buying seeds...? theres no tomato excuse for that one ya know?
  15. C

    N00b Help Please?

    Their Bag seeds from a good strand, as far as yield I dont have a clue. My concern is the with the fact that I may not be able to keep them in their current spot indefinitely... Appreciate the reply's, I knew most of the info would be shots in the dark... but people gave it a shot anyways.
  16. C

    N00b Help Please?

    thanks I appreciate the tip on the potential investment as far as the magnifying goes. I may take a clone of each, to get them on their way.... their both from seed, so I guess it will take more time to let them develop...
  17. C

    N00b Help Please?

    Thanks, think I should flower? what kind of flour setup do you think i'd want for these two, when I put them on the 12-12?
  18. C

    N00b Help Please?

    Hey everyone just joined after poking around for a couple weeks, eitherway I've been trying to determine the sex of my plants, I've got 2 plants growing outdoors. their over a month old... their not short and bushy like the one I see most commonly on these forums, any reasoning? or is it just...