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  1. L

    Jungle juice 3 part

    Thanks for the info
  2. L

    Rust spots on leaves

    I’m in my first week of flower. What was your cure with baking soda?
  3. L

    Rust spots on leaves

    Thank you for the info. I whisper I had known about that fungicide earlier. Great to know there’s something out there for this nightmare of a problem
  4. L

    Which deficiency do you think this is?

    Definitely looks like septoria. I’m having the same issue
  5. L

    Got some autos and feminized (photos) seeds mixed up...

    Ive been doing autos for awhile until I just switched to regular females and usually around 2-3 weeks you’ll know
  6. L

    Rust spots on leaves

    Thank you so much for your reply. That’s the first thing I’m going to try
  7. L

    Rust spots on leaves

    I definitely need to find out how to solve this fast. Where can I find out how to cure this problem?
  8. L

    Rust spots on leaves

    Kinda close to that. But these start as a real small spot then eats through and has that rust spot. It’s hitting a lot of leaves. I did water with Epsom salt when I first started flowering. 1tsp for a gallon. I never checked the runoff ever. I never thought of that. But this happens on all my plants
  9. L

    Rust spots on leaves

    This is in natural light. And it spreads fast
  10. L

    Rust spots on leaves

    I just started with a ph of 6.5. I was reading a few sites and a lot say 6.5 is great. They only got one watering at 6.5. I was always using ph 6.0
  11. L

    Rust spots on leaves

    My plants always looks great. But when they are in flower stage they start getting tiny rust spots that get bigger. Any help would be great. I’m using jungle juice 3 part base. Grow micro and bloom. 4 ml of each and 5 ml of calmag. Ph is 6.5
  12. L

    Jungle juice 3 part

    Yeah when I was a teenager lol
  13. L

    Jungle juice 3 part

    Hi there. My plants are in the first week of bloom and it seems like every plant for some reason starts with tiny rust spots that get bigger and take the whole plant over.
  14. L

    Jungle juice 3 part

    I’m using pro mix also. What does big bud do so early? And should I be using rhino skin through the entire flower period? I’m giving them 2 ml per gallon of rhino skin now since I just flipped lights?
  15. L

    Jungle juice 3 part

    I’m using jungle juice 3 part and I just flipped To 12/12. And I’m wondering if I just use the bloom plus my other additives or do I use micro and bloom? Or all three? I’ve been looking at a lot of sites say different mixtures. Any info would be great
  16. L

    T5 flurocent bulbs

    I purchased a 2 ft T5 fixture with blue bulbs. I am growing a white rhino in a 3'-3'-6' closet. Has anybody had any luck with the T5 lights?