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  1. buttledge89

    4 weeks flowering update....w/pics

    i would also think about uping your nutrients just a little bit, it doesn't look like you have any nutrient burn so you could prob up your doses a little. also now would be a good time to add some epsom salt if you don't have to worry about odor. i would only do it once or twice but make sure to...
  2. buttledge89

    Heat problems with grow tent

    i would raise your light higher. during seed germination a 400 w needs to be like 2-3 feet above the plants. this will cool down the room a little because the light wont be as close to the thermometer. its better to have the light higher than closer becuase you begin to have problems with heat...
  3. buttledge89

    3 weeks into Flowering only 3 days veg

    From the time the seeds broke ground to when i changed the lights to 12/12 was 4 weeks. i decided that the plants were in vegg when the growth above ground was rapid.
  4. buttledge89

    3 weeks into Flowering only 3 days veg

    they came from seeds, started out with 11 ended up with 6. 3 white lightning, 1 Unknown, 1 Chainsaw/Trainwreck, 1 Romulan x Blueberry
  5. buttledge89

    3 weeks into Flowering only 3 days veg

    these girls are about one month into flowering now. showing a sign of nitrogen def. but not for sure.
  6. buttledge89

    3 weeks into Flowering only 3 days veg

    Because of room restrictions i only vegged these girls for a week. they are getting to tall. have been trying to tie some down but don't have a lot of room. planted in 2 gallon bags under 400 mh
  7. buttledge89

    reverting to veg?

    slowhand--i would harvest your plant and leave a little to reveg and you would have a crop in the fall.
  8. buttledge89

    Seal up the closet

    you can seal your door as long as you are able to exhaust the heat.
  9. buttledge89

    How many OZs here?

    if the buds are real dense, it looks like 3-4 oz. if the buds are fluffy, 2-3
  10. buttledge89

    Plant is 33 days old with only 1st circular leaves n first fan leaves are retarded

    i have used mg on my first grow and it isn't bad as long as you start low and SLOWLY increase your dose. like it was said before your plants don't need nutes until there is rapid foliage growth above ground. the first 2-3 weeks is when the roots are establishing a foundation in order in absord...
  11. buttledge89

    Plant is 33 days old with only 1st circular leaves n first fan leaves are retarded

    start over is what everyone is saying. not to be negative but those plants are not worth saving. if it hasn't grown in two weeks then there is no use. when you plant the next ones let them sprout and each day move the cfl closer and closer. scrap the other light and buy another cfl. we aren't...
  12. buttledge89

    Emergency i broke m plant

    weeping willow branches are a souce of rooting hormone. take a branch about as this as you pinky and cut it into 1 inch pieces. soak the pieces in water for one night then strain out the water and soak you cuttings in this water for 24 hours and then plant. this works if you can't buy any hormones.
  13. buttledge89


    i have used 1tbs every watering from seed to finish. i guess i really can't say that i used it during vegitative because i only vegged for three days. but like i said i used it on two previous crops. have seen the difference in buds from those that didn't receive molasses and buds that did...
  14. buttledge89


    so im going to be in vegas and am not going to have any bud. anyone have any sugesstions or know where to find a bag.
  15. buttledge89

    Emergency i broke m plant

    if it doesn't heal, you just have a topped plant. trust me i have done that plenty of times. one time i was actually topping the plant and ended up cutting the branch below it. then a week later my dog ate another branch off of the same plant. the plant was pretty abused but still produced an...
  16. buttledge89

    Transplanting During Flowering!

    it depends on what strain you are growing. everything that i have read has said not to do it unless absolutly necessarry. though on my last grow, i feel my harvest weight was hurt because i didn't transplant. i would say if you have more than 5 weeks left i would probably transplant just be...
  17. buttledge89

    sexing ?

    what kind of setup are you using
  18. buttledge89

    Trip to Las Vegas

    So me and my girlfriend are going to Las Vegas for her 21 birthday. we are flying there so we aren't going to have any bud. Was wondering if anyone knows where i might be buy a bag. it wouldn't be a 21st without bud. she could give a shit about drinking alcohol. so if anyone has any...
  19. buttledge89

    Enough space between plants

    same setup also, i have ten but im pretty sure i have some males, but i started flowering 3 days after they got out of the seedling stage. i decided to only cut the blades that are overlapping instead of the leaf. the more leaves the plant has the faster it will grow, more places for...
  20. buttledge89


    I have used it one three crops and will use it for ever. it gives the bud a richer smoke, and the sugars are broke down and used as energy for the plant to build buds and new growth